Exo Stack is an audiovisual way to interface with an exo AI, and includes speech-to-text as an input to enable 'conversations' with the AI.
- Clone the repository
- Add a (short) video or a picture to the folder
- Add a short audio clip of a voice to the folder
- Edit the config, and set the video and vocal references
- Download the Video Engine checkpoint from here and put it in the folder 'videoEngine/checkpoints'
- Download the Vocal Engine checkpoints from here, and extract them here:
- NOTE: Core has to be running (from the exo repo) for this to connect.
python stack.py
Contributing is greatly appreciated, please contact one of the team members to get started working on the codebase.
- Fix memory issue, find a way to limit GPU memory usage.
- Update to TF 2
- Fix security vulnerabilities
- Finish properly training the model
- Find a better (but still free) way to do voice recognition
- Speed up rendering, find a better sample file to use as the face