To want to learn how to write Linux driver, this will be a reference
use root user
- su
enter project directory
- cd raspi_led
compile and load module/user space app
- ./
The script run as following steps
2-1) gcc raspi_led_test.c -o raspi_led_test (gcc for raspi test file)
- raspi_led_test
2-2) make (reapi led kernel module)
- raspi_led.ko
2-3) remove raspi_led module if you had loaded
2-4) load raspi led module
- sudo insmod raspi_led.ko
./raspi_led_test -w <ON_OFF>
ex: (pull high on GPIO BCM pin 2) ./raspi_led_test -w 2 1
ex: (pull low on GPIO BCM pin 3) ./raspi_led_test -w 3 0
Shell script usage : ./
will pull high on GPIO BCM pin one by one from 2->3->4->5->6->7->8->9
will pull low on GPIO BCM pin one by one from 2->3->4->5->6->7->8->9
There is a PyQt5 GUI interface to make GPIO on/off
But you will need to insatll PyQt5 package
(6-1) Ubuntu:sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5 or
(6-2) to install by pip/pip3 : pip install PyQt5
Usage: to launch GUI APP.
python3 ./raspi_led_GUI/