Scrapes top 1000 imbd movies. Exposes simple API that returns movie name, given search terms
Either: Docker OR Python3, Flask, Requests, and BeautifulSoup
With docker
1)sudo docker build -t imbdscraper .
2)sudo docker run -d -p port:port_mapping imbdscraper
sudo docker build -t des:latest .
sudo docker run -d -p 5000:5000 des
Runs on port 5000 on local host
Without docker
python3 (will show up on localhost:5000 by default)
Movie aspects: Actor/cast Location Rating Date of Release Production Company Discretion (rated r, pg-13, etc) Genres Languages Movie Length- (example would be 2h 22min)
Everything is in lowercase
http://localhost:port/?query=brad&query=hanks - will return all movies the name brad and hanks are from the movie aspects scraped.
http://localhost:port/?query=2h 22min - will return all movies that are 2h and 22minutes long
http://localhost:port/?query=october - will return all movies that were released in October.
http://localhost:port/?query=tomhanks - will return all movies that were released by Tom Hanks.
The data.json file, which holds all the scraped data, has already been generated. In order to re-scrape the data from IMDTop1000 movies and generate a new data.json file use the directions below.
With docker
Bash into docker using:
1)sudo docker exec -it container_id /bin/bash
2)python3 (will run the scraping of all 1000 movies)
Without docker
Answer to questions given in prompt are in file questions.txt