- About.
- Documentation.
- Kafka terminal commands.
- General Concepts.
- Pros.
- Cons.
- Queue vs Pub/Sub
- Run in the docker.
- Help.
- Apache Avro.
- Apache Kafka Registry.
- Brokers.
- Consumers.
- Consumers Groups.
- Consumers Offsets.
- Distributed Commit Log.
- Offsets.
- Partitions.
- Producers.
- Records.
- Topics.
- Broker.
- Topic.
- Partition.
- Offsets.
- Publisher.
- Consumer.
- Consumer Groups.
- Distributed system.
- Producer API
- Consumer API
- Kafka Stream
- Kafka Connect
Interface SQL: KSQL
Delivery methods. Link.
- At least once semantics - A message will be resent if needed until it is acknowledged.
- At most once semantics - A message will only be sent once and not resent on failure.
- Exactly once semantics - A message will only be seen once by the consumer of the message.
- Append only Commit log.
- Performance.
- Distributed.
- Long polling.
- Event driven, Pub/Sub and Queue.
- Scaling.
- Parallel processing.
- ZooKeeper.
- Producer explicit partition can lead to problems.
- Complex to install, configure and manage.
Queue: Message published once, consumed once.
Pub/Sub: Message published once, consumed many times.
Kafka support both Queue and Pub/Sub.
- Message are appended to a topic-partition in the order they are sent.
- Consumer read message in the order sored in a topic-partition
- With a replication factor of N, producers and consumers can tolerate up to N-1 broker being down.
- This is why replication factor of 3 is a good idea:
- Allows for one broker to be taken down for maintenance.
- Allows for another broker to be taken down unexpectedly.
- As long as the number of partitions remains constant for a topic(no new partition), the same key will always go to the same partition.
Kafka supports Encryption in Transit.
Kafka supports authentication and authorization.
No encryption at rest out of the box.
Clients can be mixed with & without encryption & authentication.
Using security is optional - But!
- Confluent control center.
- Log files
- Special config settings
- SSL logging.
- Authorizer debugging.
docker run --name kafka -p 9092:9092 -e KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=localhost:2181 -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092 -e KAFKA_OFFSETS_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR=1 confluentinc/cp-kafka