- Asynchronous programming allows you to multiplex multiple networked connections on a single thread.
- The event loop and the reactor pattern simplify asynchronous event processing.
A promise is used to write an asynchronous result, whereas a future is used to view an asynchronous result.
- Execucion "no ordenada".
- Programacion sin bloqueos.
- Programacion dirigida por eventos.
- Threading
- Callbacks
- Promises/future
- Events
- Coroutines
- MQTT — Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is an ISO standard pub-sub based lightweight messaging protocol used widely in the Internet Of Things.
- AMQP — Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open standard application layer protocol for message-oriented middleware.
- STOMP — Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol, (STOMP), is a text-based protocol modeled on HTTP for interchanging data between services.
- From a technical point of view, an asynchronous programming means a group of design techniques, which decompose code into blocks of execution (events), that can be computed with derived result (we use subscribing in order to be notified about results).
- To sum up, when we talk about an asynchronous application, we mean that it is an application, that is composed from a number of events, that run in some event loop, and has handlers, that subscribe for the result of event computation. It is basically, a way to avoid blocking operations.