Allows to translate specific pages without replicating all wagtail pages tree structure.
There are multiple approaches to localizing content on your Wagtail site. Solutions such as wagtail-localize
rely on copying the entire page tree for each language, which can be inefficient. wagtail-modeltranslation
requires a specific project structure and patches models on the fly, which can be risky. If all you need is to translate a few fields, this library is for you. Simply add TranslationMixin to the Page model, list the fields you want translated, and you're good to go.
python -m pip install wagtail-pagetranslation
Add "wagtail_pagetranslation" to list of applications after all wagtail apps
Set default language for wagtail_pagetranslation app
by default settings.LANGUAGES will be used
("en", "English"),
("nl", "Dutch"),
("uk", "Ukrainian")
or you can specify custom list
("en", "English"),
("nl", "Dutch"),
("uk", "Ukrainian")
To make available translation per page type add TranslationMixin to your custom Page class. Note: mixin should be added before Page class.
from wagtail_pagetranslation.translation import TranslationMixin
class HomePage(TranslationMixin, Page):
# list of fields that should have translation
translatable_fields = ["title", ...]
By default URL for translated page is page url + ?lang=<lang_code>
This can be change by overriding get_language method:
from wagtail_pagetranslation.translation import TranslationMixin as BaseTranslationMixin
class TranslationMixin(BaseTranslationMixin):
# list of fields that should have translation
translatable_fields = ["title", ...]
def get_language(self, request):
return request.GET.get("language")
To make changes to this project, first clone this repository:
git clone
cd wagtail-pagetranslation
With your preferred virtualenv activated, install testing dependencies:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip>=21.3
python -m pip install -e '.[testing]' -U
python -m pip install flit
flit install
Note that this project uses pre-commit. It is included in the project testing requirements. To set up locally:
# go to the project directory
cd wagtail-pagetranslation
# initialize pre-commit
pre-commit install
# Optional, run all checks once for this, then the checks will run only on the changed files
git ls-files --others --cached --exclude-standard | xargs pre-commit run --files
Now you can run tests as shown below:
or, you can run them for a specific environment tox -e python3.11-django4.2-wagtail5.1
To run the test app interactively, use tox -e interactive
, visit
and log in with admin