- Create React Project with Vite
- Install Node.js
- Miyoo Mini Plus Starter Guide
- Beautiful Python Terminal Styling with Rich
- Scrapy - Python Web Scraping
- Create Word Documents with Python: python-docx
- Commands in Linux
Requirements: Node.js
To get started with Vite, open the terminal and navigate up one directory from the target directory. For example, if you would like the project scaffolded in D:\react-with-vite
, run the below command in D:\
npm create vite@latest
Then, run:
npm install
npm run dev
Download Node.js (LTS) on nodejs.org.
The BIOS files from the stock operating system are located in \RetroArch\.retroarch\system
. The Rom files are located in \Roms
Download Onion Desktop Tools and run the _Onion Desktop Tools - Launcher.bat
to format SD card in FAT32 and install Onion.
Once it's done, eject the SD card from our computer. Plug it into the Miyoo Mini Plus and power it on. The installation process will begin automatically.
After the installation is complete, install emulators and apps in the package manager:
- NEC - TurboGrafx-16
- Nintendo - DS
- Nintendo - GBA
- Nintendo - Game Boy Color
- Nintendo - NES
- Nintendo - SNES
- Sega - Genesis
- Sega - Master System
- Sega - CD
- Sega - Game Gear
Press START to install. Then shut down the device, eject the SD card, and put it back into the computer.
Move the following BIOS files to the \BIOS
- Sega Game Gear:
- Game Boy:
- Game Boy Advance:
- Game Boy Color:
- Neo Geo:
(Keep it in both the/BIOS
folder and the/Roms/NEOGEO
folder to ensure best compatibility) - PlayStation:
- PC Engine:
Move the ROM files to the subfolders within the \Roms
- Arcade:
- NES:
- Game Boy:
- Game Boy Advance:
- Game Boy Color:
- Sega Game Gear:
- Sega Genesis:
- Sega - Master System:
- NDS:
- Neo Geo:
- TurboGrafx-16:
- PlayStation:
- Sega CD:
More information please check the Onion Docs!
Themes and icon packs can be downloaded from here.
Unzip the downloaded theme to the /Themes
folder and apply it with the ThemeSwitcher app.
Unzip the downloaded icon pack to the /Icons
folder. To install the icon pack, use the Tweaks app, 'Apperance' -> 'Icons packs...' -> 'Apply icon pack...'.
Install Rich
pip install rich
Import the alternative print
function which does basic syntax highlighting for the printed text.
from rich import print
It is also requried for printing Rich renderables, such as Panel.
from rich.panel import Panel
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
style="bold red", # set the font color and style
border_style="bright_white", # set the border color
width=48, # set the panel width
First, create a new virtual environment.
python -m pip install --upgrade pip # upgrade pip
python -m venv venv
venv\Scripts\activate # or source venv/bin/activate if you are on Linux
Then, install the Scrapy package.
pip install scrapy
You should also install IPython, which makes the Python console more user-friendly, since you will be using the Scrapy shell a lot during the development of Scrapy spiders.
pip install ipython
Start a Scrapy project in the current directory. Note that the project name should be the same with the folder name.
scrapy startproject <project_name> .
scrapy genspider example example.com
Here, example
would be the name of the spider, and example.com
would be the allowed domain.
scrapy crawl example
Install the python-docx package
pip install python-docx
Here is an example of what python-docx
can do:
![](py/Lorem Ipsum.png)
from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Pt, Cm, RGBColor
from docx.enum.text import WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH
file_name = "Lorem Ipsum"
directory = ""
# create the document
doc = Document()
# set margin to 2 cm
section = doc.sections[0]
section.left_margin, section.right_margin = Cm(2), Cm(2)
normal_style = doc.styles["Normal"]
normal_font = normal_style.font
normal_font.name = "Helvetica" # set font family
normal_font.size = Pt(12) # set font size to 12pt
normal_paragraph_format = normal_style.paragraph_format
normal_paragraph_format.line_spacing = Pt(14) # set line spacing to 14pt
# add a centered paragraph
center_paragraph = doc.add_paragraph("Lorem ipsum")
center_paragraph.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.CENTER
# add a plain paragraph
doc.add_paragraph("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ")
# add a paragraph with color red
red_paragraph = doc.add_paragraph("consectetur adipiscing elit, ")
red_paragraph.runs[0].font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00)
# add a paragraph with color blue
blue_paragraph = doc.add_paragraph(
"sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ")
blue_paragraph.runs[0].font.color.rgb = RGBColor(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF)
# save the document to the output path
output_path = f"{directory}{file_name}.docx"
Installing Packages using the Pacman
sudo pacman -S arduino-ide
Upgrading packages
sudo pacman -Suy
Extract all files from an archive to the current directory with full paths
7z x arduino-ide_2.3.3_Linux_64bit.zip