When mad scientist Doctor N.G. Knier and his army of machines take over an enchanted forest, stripping the magic of it's people, one young mage named Sage is determined to tear down the regime. Embark on a fun 2D battle between magic and science, coded with HTML, CSS, and Javascript..
- Player starts off knowing two spells: stealth, and attack.
- Using these spells, player must get past the machines stationed in the enchanted forest and reach Knier's Lab.
- All spell-casting (and enemy attacks) will use probability for effectiveness, with only a five and above being success.
- To complete a level, the player must clear all enemies.
- If at any point, a player loses all HP, the game will reset.
- Player must reach Knier's Lab to win the game.
- Wireframes
- Pseudo code
- Backgrounds and Player objects
- JS
- spells and probability elements
- game reset functions
- Tweaks and advance HTML/CSS (animations)