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This is a port of shadowsocks.

shadowsocks is a fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls.

Library Description
shadowsocks shadowsocks core protocol
shadowsocks-service Services for serving shadowsocks
shadowsocks-rust Binaries running common shadowsocks services

Related Projects:

Build & Install

Optional Features

  • hickory-dns - Uses hickory-resolver as DNS resolver instead of tokio's builtin.

  • local-http - Allow using HTTP protocol for sslocal

    • local-http-native-tls - Support HTTPS with native-tls

    • local-http-rustls - Support HTTPS with rustls

  • local-tunnel - Allow using tunnel protocol for sslocal

  • local-socks4 - Allow using SOCKS4/4a protocol for sslocal

  • local-redir - Allow using redir (transparent proxy) protocol for sslocal

  • local-dns - Allow using dns protocol for sslocal, serves as a DNS server proxying queries to local or remote DNS servers by ACL rules

  • local-fake-dns - FakeDNS, allocating an IP address for each individual Query from a specific IP pool

  • local-tun - TUN interface support for sslocal

  • local-online-config - SIP008 Online Configuration Delivery

  • stream-cipher - Enable deprecated stream ciphers. WARN: stream ciphers are UNSAFE!

  • aead-cipher-extra - Enable non-standard AEAD ciphers

  • aead-cipher-2022 - Enable AEAD-2022 ciphers (SIP022)

  • aead-cipher-2022-extra - Enable AEAD-2022 extra ciphers (non-standard ciphers)

Memory Allocators

This project uses system (libc) memory allocator (Rust's default). But it also allows you to use other famous allocators by features:

  • jemalloc - Uses jemalloc as global memory allocator
  • mimalloc - Uses mi-malloc as global memory allocator
  • tcmalloc - Uses TCMalloc as global memory allocator. It tries to link system-wide tcmalloc by default, use vendored from source with tcmalloc-vendored.
  • snmalloc - Uses snmalloc as global memory allocator
  • rpmalloc - Uses rpmalloc as global memory allocator

Install from

# Install from
cargo install shadowsocks-rust

then you can find sslocal and ssserver in $CARGO_HOME/bin.

Install using Homebrew

For macOS and Linux, you can install it using Homebrew:

brew install shadowsocks-rust

Install using snap

# Install from snapstore
snap install shadowsocks-rust

# List services
snap services shadowsocks-rust

# Enable and start shadowsocks-rust.sslocal-daemon snap service
snap start --enable shadowsocks-rust.sslocal-daemon

# Show generated systemd service status
systemctl status snap.shadowsocks-rust.sslocal-daemon.service

# Override generated systemd service (configure startup options)
systemctl edit snap.shadowsocks-rust.sslocal-daemon.service

## NOTE: you can pass args to sslocal:
##  [Service]
##  ExecStart=
##  ExecStart=/usr/bin/snap run shadowsocks-rust.sslocal-daemon -b "" --server-url "ss://...."

# Restart generated systemd service to apply changes
systemctl restart snap.shadowsocks-rust.sslocal-daemon.service

# ... and show service status
systemctl status snap.shadowsocks-rust.sslocal-daemon.service

Download release

Download static-linked build here.

  • build-windows: Build for x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
  • build-linux: Build for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, Debian 9 (Stretch), GLIBC 2.18
  • build-docker: Build for x86_64-unknown-linux-musl, x86_64-pc-windows-gnu, ... (statically linked)


This project provided Docker images for the linux/i386 and linux/amd64 and linux/arm64/v8 architectures.

⚠️ Docker containers do not have access to IPv6 by default: Make sure to disable IPv6 Route in the client or enable IPv6 access to docker containers.

Pull from GitHub Container Registry

Docker will pull the image of the appropriate architecture from our GitHub Packages.

docker pull
docker pull

Build on the local machine(Optional)

If you want to build the Docker image yourself, you need to use the BuildX.

docker buildx build -t shadowsocks/ssserver-rust:latest -t shadowsocks/ssserver-rust:v1.15.2 --target ssserver .
docker buildx build -t shadowsocks/sslocal-rust:latest -t shadowsocks/sslocal-rust:v1.15.2 --target sslocal .

Run the container

You need to mount the configuration file into the container and create an external port map for the container to connect to it.

docker run --name sslocal-rust \
  --restart always \
  -p 1080:1080/tcp \
  -v /path/to/config.json:/etc/shadowsocks-rust/config.json \

docker run --name ssserver-rust \
  --restart always \
  -p 8388:8388/tcp \
  -p 8388:8388/udp \
  -v /path/to/config.json:/etc/shadowsocks-rust/config.json \

Deploy to Kubernetes

This project provided yaml manifests for deploying to Kubernetes.

You can leverage k8s Service to expose traffic outside, like LoadBalancer or NodePort which gains more fine-grained compared with fixed host or port.

For a more interesting use case, you can use a Ingress(Istio, nginx, etc.) which routes the matched traffic to shadowsocks along with the real web service.

Using kubectl

kubectl apply -f

You can change the config via editing the ConfigMap named shadowsocks-rust.

For more fine-grained control, use helm.

Using helm

helm install my-release k8s/chart -f my-values.yaml

Below is the common default values you can change:

# This is the shadowsocks config which will be mount to /etc/shadowocks-rust.
# You can put arbitrary yaml here, and it will be translated to json before mounting.
- server: "::"
  server_port: 8388
  service_port: 80 # the k8s service port, default to server_port
  password: mypassword
  method: aes-256-gcm
  fast_open: true
  mode: tcp_and_udp
  # plugin: v2ray-plugin
  # plugin_opts: server;tls;

# Whether to download v2ray and xray plugin.
downloadPlugins: false

# Name of the ConfigMap with config.json configuration for shadowsocks-rust.
configMapName: ""

  # Change to LoadBalancer if you are behind a cloud provider like aws, gce, or tke.
  type: ClusterIP

# Bind shadowsocks port port to host, i.e., we can use host:port to access shawdowsocks server.
hostPort: false

replicaCount: 1

  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  # Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
  tag: "latest"

Build from source

Use cargo to build. NOTE: RAM >= 2GiB

cargo build --release

Then sslocal and ssserver will appear in ./target/(debug|release)/, it works similarly as the two binaries in the official ShadowSocks' implementation.

make install TARGET=release

Then sslocal, ssserver, ssmanager and ssurl will be installed to /usr/local/bin (variable PREFIX).

For Windows users, if you have encountered any problem in building, check and discuss in #102.

target-cpu optimization

If you are building for your current CPU platform (for example, build and run on your personal computer), it is recommended to set target-cpu=native feature to let rustc generate and optimize code for the CPU running the compiler.

export RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native"

Build standalone binaries


  • Docker

Then sslocal, ssserver, ssmanager and ssurl will be packaged in

  • ./build/shadowsocks-${VERSION}-stable.x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.xz
  • ./build/shadowsocks-${VERSION}

Read Cargo.toml for more details.

Getting Started

Generate a safe and secured password for a specific encryption method (aes-128-gcm in the example) with:

ssservice genkey -m "aes-128-gcm"

Create a ShadowSocks' configuration file. Example

    "server": "my_server_ip",
    "server_port": 8388,
    "password": "rwQc8qPXVsRpGx3uW+Y3Lj4Y42yF9Bs0xg1pmx8/+bo=",
    "method": "aes-256-gcm",
    // ONLY FOR `sslocal`
    // Delete these lines if you are running `ssserver` or `ssmanager`
    "local_address": "",
    "local_port": 1080

Detailed explanation of the configuration file could be found in shadowsocks' documentation. (Link to original project, not maintained anymore !)

⚠️ For snap installations, configuration file is most probably located in /var/snap/shadowsocks-rust/common/etc/shadowsocks-rust/config.json (see shadowsocks#621 / shadowsocks#1146)

In shadowsocks-rust, we also have an extended configuration file format, which is able to define more than one server. You can also disable individual servers.

    "servers": [
            "server": "",
            "server_port": 8388,
            "password": "rwQc8qPXVsRpGx3uW+Y3Lj4Y42yF9Bs0xg1pmx8/+bo=",
            "method": "aes-256-gcm",
            "timeout": 7200
            "server": "",
            "server_port": 8389,
            "password": "/dliNXn5V4jg6vBW4MnC1I8Jljg9x7vSihmk6UZpRBM=",
            "method": "chacha20-ietf-poly1305"
            "disabled": true,
            "server": "",
            "server_port": 8390,
            "password": "mGvbWWay8ueP9IHnV5F1uWGN2BRToiVCAWJmWOTLU24=",
            "method": "chacha20-ietf-poly1305"
    // ONLY FOR `sslocal`
    // Delete these lines if you are running `ssserver` or `ssmanager`
    "local_port": 1080,
    "local_address": ""

sslocal automatically selects the best server with the lowest latency and the highest availability.

Start Shadowsocks client and server with:

sslocal -c config.json
ssserver -c config.json

If you Build it with Cargo:

cargo run --bin sslocal -- -c config.json
cargo run --bin ssserver -- -c config.json

List all available arguments with -h.


Start local client with configuration file

# Read local client configuration from file
sslocal -c /path/to/shadowsocks.json

Socks5 Local client

# Pass all parameters via command line
sslocal -b "" -s "[::1]:8388" -m "aes-256-gcm" -k "hello-kitty" --plugin "v2ray-plugin" --plugin-opts "server;tls;"

# Pass server with SIP002 URL
sslocal -b "" --server-url "ss://YWVzLTI1Ni1nY206cGFzc3dvcmQ@"

HTTP Local client

sslocal -b "" --protocol http -s "[::1]:8388" -m "aes-256-gcm" -k "hello-kitty"

All parameters are the same as Socks5 client, except --protocol http.

Tunnel Local client

# Set as the target for forwarding to
sslocal --protocol tunnel -b "" -f "" -s "[::1]:8388" -m "aes-256-gcm" -k "hello-kitty"
  • --protocol tunnel enables local client Tunnel mode
  • -f " sets the tunnel target address

Transparent Proxy Local client

NOTE: It currently only supports

  • Linux (with iptables targets REDIRECT and TPROXY)
  • BSDs (with pf), such as OS X 10.10+, FreeBSD, ...
sslocal -b "" --protocol redir -s "[::1]:8388" -m "aes-256-gcm" -k "hello-kitty" --tcp-redir "redirect" --udp-redir "tproxy"

Redirects connections with iptables configurations to the port that sslocal is listening on.

  • --protocol redir enables local client Redir mode
  • (optional) --tcp-redir sets TCP mode to REDIRECT (Linux)
  • (optional) --udp-redir sets UDP mode to TPROXY (Linux)

Tun interface client

NOTE: It currently only supports

  • Linux, Android
  • macOS, iOS
  • Windows


Create a Tun interface with name tun0

ip tuntap add mode tun tun0
ifconfig tun0 inet netmask up

Start sslocal with --protocol tun and binds to tun0

sslocal --protocol tun -s "[::1]:8388" -m "aes-256-gcm" -k "hello-kitty" --outbound-bind-interface lo0 --tun-interface-name tun0


sslocal --protocol tun -s "[::1]:8388" -m "aes-256-gcm" -k "hello-kitty" --outbound-bind-interface lo0 --tun-interface-address

It will create a Tun interface with address and netmask


Download wintun.dll from Wintun, and place it in the folder with shadowsocks' runnable binaries, or in the system PATH.

sslocal --protocol tun -s "[::1]:8388" -m "aes-256-gcm" -k "hello-kitty" --outbound-bind-interface "Ethernet 0" --tun-interface-name "shadowsocks"

Local client for Windows Service

Compile it by enabling --features "winservice" (not included in the default build):

cargo build --release --bin "sswinservice" --features "winservice"

Install it as a Windows Service (PowerShell):

New-Service -Name "shadowsocks-local-service" `
            -DisplayName "Shadowsocks Local Service" `
            -BinaryPathName "<Path\to>\sswinservice.exe local -c <Path\to>\local_config.json"

There are other ways to install sswinservice as a Windows Service, for example, the sc command.

As you may have noticed that the -BinaryPathName contains not only just the sswinservice.exe, but local -c local_config.json. These command line parameters will be used as the default parameter when the Windows Service starts. You can also start the service with customized parameters.

Learn more from Microsoft's Document.

The sswinservice's parameter works exactly the same as ssservice. It supports local, server and manager subcommands.


# Read server configuration from file
ssserver -c /path/to/shadowsocks.json

# Pass all parameters via command line
ssserver -s "[::]:8388" -m "aes-256-gcm" -k "hello-kitty" --plugin "v2ray-plugin" --plugin-opts "server;tls;"

Server Manager

Supported Manage Multiple Users API:

  • add - Starts a server instance
  • remove - Deletes an existing server instance
  • list - Lists all current running servers
  • ping - Lists all servers' statistic data

NOTE: stat command is not supported. Because servers are running in the same process with the manager itself.

# Start it just with --manager-address command line parameter
ssmanager --manager-address ""

# For *nix system, manager can bind to unix socket address
ssmanager --manager-address "/tmp/shadowsocks-manager.sock"

# You can also provide a configuration file
# `manager_address` key must be provided in the configuration file
ssmanager -c /path/to/shadowsocks.json

# Create one server by UDP
echo 'add: {"server_port":8388,"password":"hello-kitty"}' | nc -u '' '6100'

# Close one server by unix socket
echo 'remove: {"server_port":8388}' | nc -Uu '/tmp/shadowsocks-manager.sock'

For manager UI, check more details in the shadowsocks-manager project.

Example configuration:

    // Required option
    // Address that ssmanager is listening on
    "manager_address": "",
    "manager_port": 6100,

    // Or bind to a Unix Domain Socket
    "manager_address": "/tmp/shadowsocks-manager.sock",

    "servers": [
        // These servers will be started automatically when ssmanager is started

    // Outbound socket binds to this IP address
    // For choosing different network interface on the same machine
    "local_address": "",

    // Other options that may be passed directly to new servers


    // LOCAL: Listen address. This is exactly the same as `locals[0]`
    // SERVER: Bind address for remote sockets, mostly used for choosing interface
    //         Don't set it if you don't know what's this for.
    "local_address": "",
    "local_port": 1080,

    // Extended multiple local configuration
    "locals": [
            // Basic configuration, a SOCKS5 local server
            "local_address": "",
            "local_port": 1080,
            // OPTIONAL. Setting the `mode` for this specific local server instance.
            // If not set, it will derive from the outer `mode`
            "mode": "tcp_and_udp",
            // OPTIONAL. Authentication configuration file
            // Configuration file document could be found in the next section.
            "socks5_auth_config_path": "/path/to/auth.json",
            // OPTIONAL. Instance specific ACL
            "acl": "/path/to/acl/file.acl",
            // OPTIONAL. macOS launchd activate socket
            "launchd_tcp_socket_name": "TCPListener",
            "launchd_udp_socket_name": "UDPListener"
            // SOCKS5, SOCKS4/4a local server
            "protocol": "socks",
            // Listen address
            "local_address": "",
            "local_port": 1081,
            // OPTIONAL. Enables UDP relay
            "mode": "tcp_and_udp",
            // OPTIONAL. Customizing the UDP's binding address. Depending on `mode`, if
            // - TCP is enabled, then SOCKS5's UDP Association command will return this address
            // - UDP is enabled, then SOCKS5's UDP server will listen to this address.
            "local_udp_address": "",
            "local_udp_port": 2081,
            // OPTIONAL. macOS launchd activate socket
            "launchd_tcp_socket_name": "TCPListener",
            "launchd_udp_socket_name": "UDPListener"
            // Tunnel local server (feature = "local-tunnel")
            "protocol": "tunnel",
            // Listen address
            "local_address": "",
            "local_port": 5353,
            // Forward address, the target of this tunnel
            // In this example, this will build a `` -> `` tunnel
            "forward_address": "",
            "forward_port": 53,
            // OPTIONAL. Customizing whether to start TCP and UDP tunnel
            "mode": "tcp_only",
            // OPTIONAL. macOS launchd activate socket
            "launchd_tcp_socket_name": "TCPListener",
            "launchd_udp_socket_name": "UDPListener"
            // HTTP local server (feature = "local-http")
            "protocol": "http",
            // Listen address
            "local_address": "",
            "local_port": 3128,
            // OPTIONAL. macOS launchd activate socket
            "launchd_tcp_socket_name": "TCPListener"
            // DNS local server (feature = "local-dns")
            // This DNS works like China-DNS, it will send requests to `local_dns` and `remote_dns` and choose by ACL rules
            "protocol": "dns",
            // Listen address
            "local_address": "",
            "local_port": 53,
            // OPTIONAL. DNS local server uses `tcp_and_udp` mode by default
            "mode": "udp_only",
            // Local DNS address, DNS queries will be sent directly to this address
            "local_dns_address": "",
            // OPTIONAL. Local DNS's port, 53 by default
            "local_dns_port": 53,
            // Remote DNS address, DNS queries will be sent through ssserver to this address
            "remote_dns_address": "",
            // OPTIONAL. Remote DNS's port, 53 by default
            "remote_dns_port": 53,
            // OPTIONAL. dns client cache size for fetching dns queries.
            "client_cache_size": 5,
            // OPTIONAL. macOS launchd activate socket
            "launchd_tcp_socket_name": "TCPListener",
            "launchd_udp_socket_name": "UDPListener"
            // Tun local server (feature = "local-tun")
            "protocol": "tun",
            // Tun interface name
            "tun_interface_name": "tun0",
            // Tun interface address
            // It has to be a host address in CIDR form
            "tun_interface_address": ""
            // Transparent Proxy (redir) local server (feature = "local-redir")
            "protocol": "redir",
            // OPTIONAL: TCP type, may be different between platforms
            // Linux/Android: redirect (default), tproxy
            // FreeBSD/OpenBSD: pf (default), ipfw
            // NetBSD/macOS/Solaris: pf (default), ipfw
            "tcp_redir": "tproxy",
            // OPTIONAL: UDP type, may be different between platforms
            // Linux/Android: tproxy (default)
            // FreeBSD/OpenBSD: pf (default)
            "udp_redir": "tproxy"
            // FakeDNS local server (feature = "local-fake-dns")
            // FakeDNS is a DNS server that allocates an IPv4 / IPv6 address in a specific pool for each queries.
            // Subsequence requests from the other local interfaces that the target addresses includes those allocated IP addresses,
            // will be substituted back to their original domain name addresses.
            // This feature is useful mostly for transparent proxy, which will allow the proxied domain names to be resolved remotely.
            "protocol": "fake-dns",
            // Listen address
            "local_address": "",
            "local_port": 10053,
            // IPv4 address pool (for A records)
            "fake_dns_ipv4_network": "",
            // IPv6 address pool (for AAAA records)
            "fake_dns_ipv6_network": "fdf2:e786:ab40:9d2f::/64",
            // Persistent storage for all allocated DNS records
            "fake_dns_database_path": "/var/shadowsocks/fakedns.db",
            // OPTIONAL: Record expire duration in seconds, 10s by default
            "fake_dns_record_expire_duration": 10

    // Server configuration
    // listen on :: for dual stack support, no need add [] around.
    "server": "::",
    // Change to use your custom port number
    "server_port": 8388,
    "method": "aes-256-gcm",
    "password": "your-password",
    "plugin": "v2ray-plugin",
    "plugin_opts": "mode=quic;",
    "plugin_args": [
        // Each line is an argument passed to "plugin"
    "plugin_mode": "tcp_and_udp", // SIP003u, default is "tcp_only"
    // Server: TCP socket timeout in seconds.
    // Client: TCP connection timeout in seconds.
    // Omit this field if you don't have specific needs.
    "timeout": 7200,

    // Extended multiple server configuration
    // LOCAL: Choosing the best server to connect dynamically
    // SERVER: Creating multiple servers in one process
    "servers": [
            // Fields are the same as the single server's configuration

            // Individual servers can be disabled
            // "disabled": true,
            "address": "",
            "port": 8389,
            "method": "aes-256-gcm",
            "password": "your-password",
            "plugin": "...",
            "plugin_opts": "...",
            "plugin_args": [],
            "plugin_mode": "...",
            "timeout": 7200,

            // Customized weight for local server's balancer
            // Weight must be in [0, 1], default is 1.0.
            // The higher weight, the server may rank higher.
            "tcp_weight": 1.0,
            "udp_weight": 1.0,

            // OPTIONAL. Instance specific ACL
            "acl": "/path/to/acl/file.acl",
            // Same key as basic format "server" and "server_port"
            "server": "",
            "server_port": 8388,
            "method": "chacha20-ietf-poly1305",
            // Read the actual password from environment variable PASSWORD_FROM_ENV
            "password": "${PASSWORD_FROM_ENV}"
            // AEAD-2022
            "server": "::",
            "server_port": 8390,
            "method": "2022-blake3-aes-256-gcm",
            "password": "3SYJ/f8nmVuzKvKglykRQDSgg10e/ADilkdRWrrY9HU=",
            // For Server (OPTIONAL)
            // Support multiple users with Extensible Identity Header
            "users": [
                    "name": "username",
                    // User's password must have the same length as server's password
                    "password": "4w0GKJ9U3Ox7CIXGU4A3LDQAqP6qrp/tUi/ilpOR9p4="
            // For Client (OPTIONAL)
            // If EIH enabled, then "password" should have the following format: iPSK:iPSK:iPSK:uPSK
            // - iPSK is one of the middle relay servers' PSK, for the last `ssserver`, it must be server's PSK ("password")
            // - uPSK is the user's PSK ("password")
            // Example:
            // "password": "3SYJ/f8nmVuzKvKglykRQDSgg10e/ADilkdRWrrY9HU=:4w0GKJ9U3Ox7CIXGU4A3LDQAqP6qrp/tUi/ilpOR9p4="

    // Global configurations for UDP associations
    "udp_timeout": 300, // Timeout for UDP associations (in seconds), 5 minutes by default
    "udp_max_associations": 512, // Maximum UDP associations to be kept in one server, unlimited by default

    // Options for Manager
    "manager_address": "", // Could be a path to UNIX socket, /tmp/shadowsocks-manager.sock
    "manager_port": 5300, // Not needed for UNIX socket

    // DNS server's address for resolving domain names
    // For *NIX and Windows, it uses system's configuration by default
    // Value could be IP address of DNS server, for example, "".
    // DNS client will automatically request port 53 with both TCP and UDP protocol.
    // - system, uses system provided API (`getaddrinfo` on *NIX)
    // It also allows some pre-defined well-known public DNS servers:
    // - google (TCP, UDP)
    // - cloudflare (TCP, UDP)
    // - cloudflare_tls (TLS), enable by feature "dns-over-tls"
    // - cloudflare_https (HTTPS), enable by feature "dns-over-https"
    // - quad9 (TCP, UDP)
    // - quad9_tls (TLS), enable by feature "dns-over-tls"
    // The field is only effective if feature "hickory-dns" is enabled.
    "dns": "google",
    // Configure `cache_size` for "hickory-dns" ResolverOpts. Set to "0" to disable DNS cache.
    "dns_cache_size": 0,

    // Mode, could be one of the
    // - tcp_only
    // - tcp_and_udp
    // - udp_only
    "mode": "tcp_only",

    "no_delay": false,

    // Enables `SO_KEEPALIVE` and set `TCP_KEEPIDLE`, `TCP_KEEPINTVL` to the specified seconds
    "keep_alive": 15,

    // Soft and Hard limit of file descriptors on *NIX systems
    "nofile": 10240,

    // Try to resolve domain name to IPv6 (AAAA) addresses first
    "ipv6_first": false,
    // Set IPV6_V6ONLY for all IPv6 listener sockets
    // Only valid for locals and servers listening on `::`
    "ipv6_only": false,

    // Outbound socket options
    // Linux Only (SO_MARK)
    "outbound_fwmark": 255,
    // FreeBSD only (SO_USER_COOKIE)
    "outbound_user_cookie": 255,
    // `SO_BINDTODEVICE` (Linux), `IP_BOUND_IF` (BSD), `IP_UNICAST_IF` (Windows) socket option for outbound sockets
    "outbound_bind_interface": "eth1",
    // Outbound socket bind() to this IP (choose a specific interface)
    "outbound_bind_addr": "",

    // Balancer customization
    "balancer": {
        // MAX Round-Trip-Time (RTT) of servers
        // The timeout seconds of each individual checks
        "max_server_rtt": 5,
        // Interval seconds between each check
        "check_interval": 10,
        // Interval seconds between each check for the best server
        // Optional. Specify to enable shorter checking interval for the best server only.
        "check_best_interval": 5

    // SIP008 Online Configuration Delivery
    "online_config": {
        "config_url": "https://path-to-online-sip008-configuration",
        // Optional. Seconds between each update to config_url. Default to 3600s
        "update_interval": 3600

    // Service configurations
    // Logger configuration
    "log": {
        // Equivalent to `-v` command line option
        "level": 1,
        "format": {
            // Euiqvalent to `--log-without-time`
            "without_time": false,
        // Equivalent to `--log-config`
        // More detail could be found in
        "config_path": "/path/to/log4rs/config.yaml"
    // Runtime configuration
    "runtime": {
        // single_thread or multi_thread
        "mode": "multi_thread",
        // Worker threads that are used in multi-thread runtime
        "worker_count": 10

SOCKS5 Authentication Configuration

The configuration file is set by socks5_auth_config_path in locals.

    // Password/Username Authentication (RFC1929)
    "password": {
        "users": [
                "user_name": "USERNAME in UTF-8",
                "password": "PASSWORD in UTF-8"

Environment Variables

  • SS_SERVER_PASSWORD: A default password for servers that created from command line argument (--server-addr)
  • SS_SYSTEM_DNS_RESOLVER_FORCE_BUILTIN: "system" DNS resolver force use system's builtin (getaddrinfo in *NIX)

Supported Ciphers

AEAD 2022 Ciphers

  • 2022-blake3-aes-128-gcm, 2022-blake3-aes-256-gcm
  • 2022-blake3-chacha20-poly1305, 2022-blake3-chacha8-poly1305

These Ciphers require "password" to be a Base64 string of key that have exactly the same length of Cipher's Key Size. It is recommended to use ssservice genkey -m "METHOD_NAME" to generate a secured and safe key.

AEAD Ciphers

  • chacha20-ietf-poly1305
  • aes-128-gcm, aes-256-gcm

Stream Ciphers

  • plain or none (No encryption, only used for debugging or with plugins that ensure transport security)

  • table
  • aes-128-cfb, aes-128-cfb1, aes-128-cfb8, aes-128-cfb128
  • aes-192-cfb, aes-192-cfb1, aes-192-cfb8, aes-192-cfb128
  • aes-256-cfb, aes-256-cfb1, aes-256-cfb8, aes-256-cfb128
  • aes-128-ctr
  • aes-192-ctr
  • aes-256-ctr
  • camellia-128-cfb, camellia-128-cfb1, camellia-128-cfb8, camellia-128-cfb128
  • camellia-192-cfb, camellia-192-cfb1, camellia-192-cfb8, camellia-192-cfb128
  • camellia-256-cfb, camellia-256-cfb1, camellia-256-cfb8, camellia-256-cfb128
  • rc4-md5
  • chacha20-ietf


sslocal, ssserver, and ssmanager support ACL file with syntax like shadowsocks-libev. Some examples could be found in here.

Available sections

  • For local servers (sslocal, ssredir, ...)
    • Modes:
      • [bypass_all] - ACL runs in BlackList mode. Bypasses all addresses that didn't match any rules.
      • [proxy_all] - ACL runs in WhiteList mode. Proxies all addresses that didn't match any rules.
    • Rules:
      • [bypass_list] - Rules for connecting directly
      • [proxy_list] - Rules for connecting through proxies
  • For remote servers (ssserver)
    • Modes:
      • [reject_all] - ACL runs in BlackList mode. Rejects all clients that didn't match any rules.
      • [accept_all] - ACL runs in WhiteList mode. Accepts all clients that didn't match any rules.
    • Rules:
      • [white_list] - Rules for accepted clients
      • [black_list] - Rules for rejected clients
      • [outbound_block_list] - Rules for blocking outbound addresses.


# For ssserver, accepts requests from all clients by default

# Blocks these clients

# Disallow these outbound addresses
# Using regular expression
# Match exactly
# Match with subdomains
# An internationalized domain name should be converted to punycode
# |☃-⌘.com - WRONG
# ||джpумлатест.bрфa - WRONG

# For sslocal, ..., bypasses all targets by default

# Proxy these addresses

Useful Tools

  1. ssurl is for encoding and decoding ShadowSocks URLs (SIP002). Example:


It supports the following features:

  • SOCKS5 CONNECT command
  • SOCKS5 UDP ASSOCIATE command (partial)
  • SOCKS4/4a CONNECT command
  • Various crypto algorithms
  • Load balancing (multiple servers) and server delay checking
  • SIP004 AEAD ciphers
  • SIP003 Plugins
  • SIP003u Plugin with UDP support
  • SIP002 Extension ss URLs
  • SIP022 AEAD 2022 ciphers
  • HTTP Proxy Supports (RFC 7230 and CONNECT)
  • Defend against replay attacks, shadowsocks/shadowsocks-org#44
  • Manager APIs, supporting Manage Multiple Users
  • ACL (Access Control List)
  • Support HTTP/HTTPS Proxy protocol


  • Documentation
  • Extend configuration format
  • Improved logging format (waiting for the new official log crate)
  • Support more ciphers without depending on libcrypto (waiting for an acceptable Rust crypto lib implementation)
  • Windows support.
  • Build with stable rustc (blocking by crypto2).
  • Support HTTP Proxy protocol
  • AEAD ciphers. (proposed in SIP004, still under discussion)
  • Choose server based on delay #152


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2014 Y. T. CHUNG

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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Stargazers over time


A Rust port of shadowsocks







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