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Product Management REST API

A simple Node.js REST API for managing products, the product updates and respectively, the update points the updates consist of. This API enables creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting product information. This project was created as part of my effort to improve my backend skills and branch out a bit from my typical traditional frontend projects.

Core features

  • REST architecture
  • TypeScript
  • Authentication
  • Request validation

Table of Contents


  • Node.js v18.18+
  • npm v9.8.1+


# Clone the repository
git clone

# Navigate into the project directory
cd product-management-node-api

# Install dependencies
npm install

Getting Started

  1. Set the environment variables (see env.example).
  2. Start the server npm run dev

Environment Variables

The core environment variables are set in .env but the current configuration allows for different settings for local, production, and testing environments. For more details, please refer to config/index.ts.

API Endpoints

This concept project follows the REST architecture. There are two core route handlers that are used:

  1. Non-auth: /register and /login
  2. Auth-required: /product, update, update-point which allow for GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.

For more information about each, please refer to the Artifacts where each endpoint is documented through Bruno API Client.

Project Structure

Below is a suggested project structure for an application where users can register and log in. Once authenticated, they can perform CRUD operations on Products, create and manage Product Updates, and also manage individual Update Points. This structure uses Prisma for database interactions and includes typical Node.js/TypeScript conventions.

Structure-wise, the protectRoute middleware is designed to run before any CRUD operation on any of the routers inside the routes/ directory.

├─ .env                              # Environment variables (see .env.example)
├─ prisma/
│  ├─ schema.prisma                  # Prisma schema
│  └─ migrations/
├─ src/
│  ├─ index.ts                      # Entry point; starts the server
│  ├─ server.ts                     # Configures Express app, middlewares, routes, etc.
│  ├─ config/
│  │  └─ *                          # Dynamic env variable configuration
│  ├─ handlers/
│  │  ├─ user.ts                    # Handler for login, register
│  │  ├─ product.ts                 # Handler for CRUD on products
│  │  ├─ update.ts                  # Handler for CRUD on product updates
│  │  └─ updatePoint.ts             # Handler for CRUD on update points
│  ├─ routes/
│  │  ├─ products.ts                # /api/product -> CRUD on products
│  │  ├─ updates.ts                 # /api/update -> CRUD on updates
│  │  ├─ updatePoint.ts             # /api/product-point CRUD on update points
│  ├─ middleware/
│  │  └─ handleError.ts             # Generic error middleware
│  │  └─ morganWithWinstonLogger.ts # Logging middleware
│  │  └─ protectRoute.ts            # Auth middleware
│  │  └─ validators.ts              # General validator middleware
│  ├─ modules/
│  │  ├─ auth.ts                    # Auth module
│  │  ├─ rawValidators.ts           # Validation logic
│  │  ├─ responses.ts               # Generic response rejection module
│  ├─ utils/
│  │  ├─ *                          # Logging and data transformation utils
│  └─ types/
│     └─ user.ts                    # Custom TS user definitions




A Node REST API for managing products







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