Youtube Demo:
- Signup on Netlify
- run command
npm i -g yarn
- run command
npm i netlify-cli -g
- run command
npx create-react-app jamstack-tutorial
- run commannd
cd jamstack-tutorial
- create directory on root
- create file (netlify.toml) on root
- add commands inside (as written in netlify.toml in my repo)
- run command
netlify dev
(functions and frontend started) - Faunadb Setup
- Signup to FaunaDB
- create database (click create database)
- GraphQl > import Schema (choose file functions/utils/links.gql)
- Click Security > add key > select server > add name > save and copy
- Create .env file at root > store the key in FAUNA_SECRET_KEY variable
- create functions
- Create, Read, Update, Delete
- Create Frontend
- Integrate Serverless functions with Frontend by making api calls
npm i axios dotenv bootstrap
- CSS3
- Javascript and ES+6
- Bootstrap
- ReactJs
- NodeJs
- Netlify Serverless Functions
- GraphQl
- FaunaDB (Database)