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AWS SageMaker Autopilotが提供するConfusion Matrixの考え方

ここでは、AWS SageMaker Autopilotが提供するメトリクスとレポートで扱われるConfusion Matrixについて解説します。メトリクスとレポートには、Confusion Matrix、Area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUC-ROC) 曲線および Area under the precision-recall curve (AUC-PR) 曲線が含まれるのですが、Confusion Matrix は、分類問題の結果をまとめた行列(Matrix)のことで、なかなかその意味と活用の方法を理解することが難しいので、実例とともに解説したものになります。


Acuracy, Precision and Recall - Essential Metrics in Machine Learning

1. Accuracy


Accuracy is a ratio of the number of samples that match the classified class and the correct class. So we can define it as following:

Accuracy = (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN)

実際に、陽性/陰性分類モデルと、2 つの陽性データと 98 の陰性データを含むデータセットがあるとします。そしてこのとき、分類するモデルが「このデータ 100 個すべてが陰性である」と予測したとします。 準備したとおり、100 個のデータのうち 98 個が元々陰性であるため、精度は 98% です。この精度だけ見るとかなり良い数値に見えます。ただし、分類モデルは意味のある予測を実行できていないことがわかります。
このようにデータが偏っていて「全て陰性」と予測されると、意に反して精度の値が高くなってしまいます。これらの問題に対処するために、Precision、Recall、および F-Score と呼ばれる次の指標を参照します。

Accuracy is a popular metric because it is intuitive and easy to understand and interpret. However, if prediction results are evaluated only by Accuracy, there is a risk that a bad model may be mistakenly judged as a good model.
Suppose you have a positive/negative classification model and a dataset including two positive data and 98 negative data, actually. And at this time, suppose that the model to classify predicts that "all 100 of this data are negative".
The accuracy rate is definitely 98% because 98 out of 100 data are originally negative as you prepared. If you look only at the numerical value (accuracy), it looks like a pretty good number. However, the classification models could not perform any meaningful prediction. It can not be said that the classification accuracy is high with this.
If the data are imbalanced as described above and is predicted that "all are negative", the Accuracy value will be high against one's will. In order to deal with these problems, we refer to the following indicators called Precision, Recall, and F-Score.

2. Precision (for Eliminate waste)

Predict as a Spam Mail Predict as Not Spam Mail
Actually Spam Mail TP (True Positive) FN (False Nagative)
Actually Not Spam Mail FP (False Positive)
-> waste
TN (True Nagative)

Precisionは、モデルが予測する陽性者の総量に対する真の陽性の割合を示す指標です。 「すべての陽性な予測のうち、いくつ正しく分類ができたか?」という質問のように解釈できます。

Precision is a metric that gives you the proportion of true positives to the amount of total positives that the model predicts. It answers the question “Out of all the positive predictions we made, how many were true?

Precision = TP / (TP + FP)

この値が 100% に近づけるには、FP を小さくする必要があります。言い換えれば、スパム以外をスパムとしてマークしないようアルゴリズムを刷新することで、誤検知を排除する必要があります。
Precisionは、scikit-learn の sklearn.metrics.precision_score() で計算できます。

If you get this value close to 100%, FP should be reduced. In other words, you should eliminate false positives by refurbishing the algorithm which should not mark non-spam as spam.
Precision can be calculated with sklearn.metrics.precision_score() in scikit-learn.

3. Recall (for Eliminate lost opportunities and to emphasize identifying as many actual failures as possible)

Predict as a Fraud Predict as Not Fraud
Actually Fraud TP (True Positive) FN (False Nagative)
-> lost opportunity
Actually Not Fraud FP (False Positive) TN (True Nagative)


Recall focuses on how good the model is at finding all the positives. Recall is also called true positive rate and answers the question “Out of all the data points that should be predicted as true, how many did we correctly predict as true?

Recall = TP / (TP + FN)

この値を 100% に近づけるには、FN を減らす必要があります。不正行為の検出がうまく機能しない場合、詐欺行為によって経済的な損失が伴ってしまいます。したがって、偽陰性は可能な限り 0 である必要があります。Recallは、scikit-learn の sklearn.metrics.recall_score() で計算できます。

If you get this value close to 100%, FN should be reduced. If the fraud detection does not work well, then it goes through your bank account and defraud your property. So, False Negative should be 0 as possible as you can do.
Recall can be calculated with sklearn.metrics.recall_score() in scikit-learn.

4. Which metric should you use ?

I believe it depends on on the purpose of each model.

Cases Presision is prefered

たとえば、低品質のメール フィルタリング アルゴリズムにより、スパム メールがメール ボックスに入れられる可能性があります。つまり、偽陰性の場合です。なんだかんだで、これは実は許容できるものであり、なんらかのエンジニアリングによって改善することができます。しかし、スパムメールではないメールがスパムメールボックスに入ってしまうことは、実は非常に問題で、許容されるものではありません。したがって、このケースでは、偽陰性ではなく偽陽性のケースに注意する必要があり、FP は可能な限り小さくする必要があります。

For example, low quality mail filtering algorithm might put the spam mail on your mail box. I mean it is the case of False Negative. It is acceptable and you can improve it through some engineerings. But what do you think of if non-spam mail has gone to the spam mail box? This is very serious case and it is not torelate. So we should take care of False Positive case rather than False Negative and FP should be small as possible as you can.

Cases Recall is prefered


Let's say the case of Cancer diagnosis (Of course fraud is also fine). You must not like the case if you have a cancer in your stomach actually, but a doctor doesn't say anything and he or she says you're healthy. Of cource, doctors might sometimes have mistakes. If the mistake is False Positive, it can be toralate because you're not gonna die.
But how do you feel, if the mistake is False Negative. It must be too late to go to hospital. So you should take care of reducing the False Negative case rather than False Positive.
Again, you should think of the worst possible outcome in a system supposed to be detecting cancer. You want to be airing on the side of false positive.

5. F-Score

F スコアは、再現率と適合率の 調和平均 (平均の逆数の逆数) です。 F 値または F1 スコアとも呼ばれます。実は、RecallとPrecisionはトレードオフの関係にあり、どちらかが上がるともう一方が下がります。たとえば、Recall を高めるために積極的に陽性と予測すると、実際には陰性であるにもかかわらず、陽性と誤認される傾向が高まります。この結果、偽陽性の数が増えるので、Precisionは下がります。そのため、Recall と Precision だけを見ても、モデルが良いか悪いかを判断することはできないこともあるため、F値を用いることがあります。 まとめると、F 値は、このトレードオフを考慮した調和平均です。

F-score is the Harmonic mean (reciprocal of mean of reciprocal) of Recall and Precision. Also called F-measure or F1-score.
In fact, Recall and Precision are in a trade-off relationship, and if one is raised, the other is lowered. For example, when actively predicting "Positive" to increase Recall, it is actually Negative but is mistaken as Positive (FP: False Positive). Since the number of (FP: False Positive) will increase, the Precision will decrease.In other words, if you try to raise Recall and say to everyone, "You have cancer!"
So, even if you look at Recall and Precision alone, you can't say whether the accuracy is good or bad. That's where the F value comes from. The F-value is the harmonic mean taking into account this trade-off.

F-Score = 2 / { (1/Precision) + (1/Recall) } = 2TP / (2TP + FP + FN)

F-Score can be calculated with sklearn.metrics.f1_score() in scikit-learn.

6. When to Use ROC vs. Precision-Recall Curves?


  • ROC曲線は、各クラスの観測値の数がほぼ等しい場合に使用する必要があります。
  • Precision-Recall曲線は、中程度から大規模なクラスの不均衡がある場合に使用する必要があります。

Generally, the use of ROC curves and precision-recall curves are as follows:

  • ROC curves should be used when there are roughly equal numbers of observations for each class.
  • Precision-Recall curves should be used when there is a moderate to large class imbalance.

7. Drift

概念的ドリフトの例としては、SNS上のスパムを検出するための機械学習モデルを運用したところ、当初は高い精度で検出できていたのに、半年後にはほとんど検出できなくなったというケースが挙げられます。原因は、スパマーがスパムとして検出されることを回避するための新しい方法を考え出したことであると仮定しましょう (入力データの分布は変わらないと仮定します)。つまり、ドリフトの原因は、正しいラベル(対象変数)であるスパムの概念が変化したことにあると考えられます。

An example of conceptual drift is when a machine learning model for detecting spam on SNS was put into operation and was initially able to detect it with a high accuracy rate, but after half a year, it could hardly be detected. Let's assume that the cause is that spammers have come up with new ways to avoid being detected as spam (assuming the distribution of input data remains unchanged). In other words, the cause of the drift is that the concept of spam, which is the correct label (target variable), has changed.

8. Summary

AWS SageMaker Autopilotが提供するConfusion Matrix(混同行列)は、分類問題の結果を視覚化するための重要なツールです。 混同行列は、実際のクラスと予測されたクラスの結果を行列として表示し、間違った時の罪深さを数値として表現できる考え方です。 PrecisionとRecallの調和平均を示すF-Scoreや、ROC曲線、Precision-Recall曲線などのメトリクスを活用し、モデルの有用性を確かめる指標として使うことができます。




The Confusion Matrix provided by AWS SageMaker Autopilot is an essential tool for visualizing the results of classification problems. The confusion matrix displays the results of actual classes and predicted classes in a matrix, allowing the numerical representation of the severity of misclassifications. By utilizing metrics such as the F-Score, which shows the harmonic mean of Precision and Recall, ROC curves, and Precision-Recall curves, it serves as an indicator to verify the usefulness of a model.

Detect and monitor skew and drift in both features and target distribution of models deployed to production environments. If changes in these distributions are detected, the model's performance may start to degrade, so production data should be used to evaluate the model. Predictive models need to be continually retrained and redeployed to accommodate different drift scenarios.

By using a HeatMap called Seaborn, it is possible to express the proportion of the actual value into which category it is classified, and it is possible to verify not only the accuracy of the model itself but also the functionality and quality of the meaningful classifier.


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