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add avif to valid_exts #38

add avif to valid_exts

add avif to valid_exts #38

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
branches: [ main ]
branches: [ main ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: "3.11"
- name: Install package
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -e .
pip install numpy Pillow
- name: API Functional test
run: |
# 테스트 디렉토리 생성
mkdir -p test_output
# API 테스트 실행
python -c '
from pathlib import Path
from imgdiet import save
import os
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
def get_np_array(img_path):
return np.array(
# 입력 이미지와 출력 경로 설정
source = Path("assets/20250105_164724.png")
target = Path("test_output/output.webp")
target_psnr = 40.0
# 이미지 변환
save(source, target, target_psnr=target_psnr)
# 파일 크기 검증
source_size = os.path.getsize(source)
target_size = os.path.getsize(target)
print(f"Source size: {source_size:,} bytes")
print(f"Target size: {target_size:,} bytes")
print(f"Size reduction: {(1 - target_size/source_size)*100:.1f}%")
assert target_size < source_size, "Compressed file should be smaller"
assert target.exists(), "Output file should exist"
# PSNR 체크
# WebP를 PNG로 임시 변환
temp_png = "test_output/temp.png"
# PSNR 계산
original = get_np_array(source)
converted = get_np_array(temp_png)
mse = np.mean((original - converted) ** 2)
psnr = 20 * np.log10(255.0 / np.sqrt(mse))
print(f"PSNR: {psnr:.1f} dB")
assert psnr >= target_psnr, f"PSNR ({psnr:.1f} dB) should be >= target ({target_psnr} dB)"
# 테스트 통과 메시지
print("\n✅ API Test passed!")
print(f"- File size reduced by {(1 - target_size/source_size)*100:.1f}%")
print(f"- PSNR: {psnr:.1f} dB (target: {target_psnr} dB)")
- name: CLI Functional test
run: |
# CLI 테스트를 위한 새 디렉토리 생성
rm -rf test_output
mkdir -p test_output
# CLI로 이미지 변환 실행
imgdiet --source assets/20250105_164724.png --target test_output/output.webp --psnr 40.0
# 결과 검증
python -c '
from pathlib import Path
import os
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
def get_np_array(img_path):
return np.array(
source = Path("assets/20250105_164724.png")
target = Path("test_output/output.webp")
target_psnr = 40.0
# 파일 존재 확인
assert target.exists(), "CLI: Output file should exist"
# 파일 크기 검증
source_size = os.path.getsize(source)
target_size = os.path.getsize(target)
print(f"CLI - Source size: {source_size:,} bytes")
print(f"CLI - Target size: {target_size:,} bytes")
print(f"CLI - Size reduction: {(1 - target_size/source_size)*100:.1f}%")
assert target_size < source_size, "CLI: Compressed file should be smaller"
# PSNR 체크
temp_png = "test_output/temp_cli.png"
original = get_np_array(source)
converted = get_np_array(temp_png)
mse = np.mean((original - converted) ** 2)
psnr = 20 * np.log10(255.0 / np.sqrt(mse))
print(f"CLI - PSNR: {psnr:.1f} dB")
assert psnr >= target_psnr, f"CLI: PSNR ({psnr:.1f} dB) should be >= target ({target_psnr} dB)"
# 테스트 통과 메시지
print("\n✅ CLI Test passed!")
print(f"- File size reduced by {(1 - target_size/source_size)*100:.1f}%")
print(f"- PSNR: {psnr:.1f} dB (target: {target_psnr} dB)")