Implement a microservice which provides a list of countries and, in addition, provides more detailed information per country.
- Requirements:
- Use spring-boot.
- Use maven.
- Use best practices and microservice approach.
- Implement the following REST API with spring-boot:
GET /countries/
"countries": [
"name": "Finland",
"country_code": "FI"
GET /countries/{name}
"name": "Finland",
"country_code": "FI",
"capital": "Helsinki",
"population": 5491817,
"flag_file_url": "<url to the flag file>"
- Country service must fetch the relevant information for countries from some other service.
- You could use for example the following service:
- You could use for example the following service:
- Test the implementation as well as it's needed from your perspective.
- All the implementations must be runnable locally with our own computer. Write needed instructions to file.
- Publish all sources code and relevant files in GitHub or similar service and send the link to the repo so that the implementation can be reviewed.
You get bonus points if:
- You use and understand Reactor.
- You create a separate web application which utilizes the created REST API and shows the relevant country information in a browser.
- Since this was in context of Reactor. I decided to use reactive approach, Spring WebFlux.
- ✅ WebClient ✅ Interacting with 3rd party endpoints, WebClient was chosen for making non-blocking & asynchronous endpoint.
- ❌ RestTemplate ❌ Older way to make calls in Spring and synchronous. RestTemplate.
- ❌ Feign Client ❌ Also synchronous. Feign Client.
- ✅Netty✅ is suited for Microservices Architecture, for its non-blocking I/O client-server nature. This for bank end.
- ❌ Apache Tomcat ❌ Default Spring server, more suited to those who would be using Spring MVC.
- ✅Lombok✅ For reducing boilerplate code.
We are making
for these microservices.- If this microservice would ran in different environment, it would pick up appropriate configurations.
Domain classes represents classes inside business logic.
DTO classes represents REST API and are modeled using
API nesting structure. Meaning package names is from API paths and DTO class names tries to represent the given thing. I chose not to make DTO classes as reusable as possible, every DTO is unique. Read More.
We also want to avoid trying to use a single class for many scenarios.
- I have decided to use ResponseEntity in Controller class. Read More.
While ResponseEntity is very powerful, we shouldn’t overuse it. In simple cases, there are other options that satisfy our needs, and they result in much cleaner code.
We are making tests!
- ✅Docker✅ for easy deployment.
⚠️ Although⚠️ , this task should be approached as microservice as possible. This solution has been dockerized under one.yml
file for sake of simplicity.
- ✅Docker✅ for easy deployment.
- ✅Maven✅ Building tool, because I like it, and it was in specifications!
- ✅Angular✅ front end, because I like it!
- ✅Nginx✅ for hosting front end.
API versioning:
- ✅URI Path Versioning✅, were chosen for its popularity.
- ❌Query Parameter Versioning❌.
- ❌Header Versioning❌.
All API’s are implementing resilience with retrying pattern.
- Retry only 5xx errors.
Country letter representation "two letters" ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 will be used, since it was in specifications.
- Latest Java JDK is fine to run commands.
- Latest Docker.
I am not sure that, am I utilizing the .subscribe rightly. Like in this example, I don't have any of such in code directly
.subscribe(this::someFunction, this::someFunctionIfErrorHappened);
. My service is simple passing data to front end by means of Project Reactor. Well, yes if there would be db attached, then this would be suitable approach, but I didn't come any use for such case. -
Other thing is the Subscriptions itself, I should make SSE end point to back end and Angular app would listen this stream for new countries? Now its just service for REST API call in world of Project Reactor.
Get the repository.
git clone
For now just start the containers by running the following command:
docker-compose up --build
- Front end will be in
. - Back end will be example
- Front end with search function and clicking will show country with relevant information. With error page.
cd country-service-front
npm install
ng serve
- Check console for the website! Normally its
cd country-service-backend
./mvnw spring-boot::run
- To check backend separately. Try
. For other endpoints check documentation.
cd country-service-backend
./mvnw package
java -jar target/country-service-backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Back end API documentation
- Description: Retrieves all available country information from the service.
- HTTP Method:
- Response:
- If successful, it returns a
with a list of countries. - If no data is found, it returns a
404 Not Found
- If successful, it returns a
- Example Response:
{ "countries": [ { "name": "Afghanistan", "country_code": "AF" }, ... ] }
- Description: Retrieves detailed information about a specific country by its name.
- HTTP Method:
- Path Variable:
: A non-blank string representing the name of the country to retrieve information about.
- Response:
- If the country is found, it returns a
with the country's details. - If the country is not found, it returns a
404 Not Found
- If the country is found, it returns a
- Example Request:
GET /countries/v1/Afghanistan
- Example Response:
{ "name": "Afghanistan", "country_code": "AF", "capital": "Kabul", "population": 37172386, "flag_file_url": "" }
Weird Feature 1.
I came to notice when making POST request to the address of
it would work for Postman, but not for Reactor Netty. -
Tool to catch the request was Request Catcher, it helped me to distinguish if there were some error in the request what Reactor Netty was making. URL of catcher
. POST didn't work for some reason and could not get any stream of data back from Web Client using DTO classes.- I noticed the only difference mainly was in headers. Upper picture from Reactor Netty request and below it is from Postman, which worked. I tried to change User-Agent to
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.42.0
in Reactor Netty so it would work, but my luck failed.
- I noticed the only difference mainly was in headers. Upper picture from Reactor Netty request and below it is from Postman, which worked. I tried to change User-Agent to
Due to the inspections how Postman had it working with this API. It had the following settings
Accept: */*
. -
Luckily returning
from POST function and setting@Data
for DTO class which was for serving as param class. Also, I changed Reactor Netty headers to"Accept", MediaType.ALL_VALUE
from"Accept", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE
(since API gives JSON), gave me positive surprise.
public WebClient webClient(WebClient.Builder builder) {
return builder.defaultHeader(
"Accept", MediaType.ALL_VALUE)
- With DTO param class.
public class ParamClass {
String country;
- Below positive surprise. I was not crazy and seeing things.
Also, WebClient started to worked normally after right Header information
.doOnSuccess(result -> System.out.println("Response: " + result));
gave meResponse: Moved Permanently. Redirecting to /api/v0.1/countries/population/q?country=Finland
. -
All thought it was saying redirecting, I could not catch redirect message in network tab. Maybe it was a due Reactor Netty needs to be configured to process these one, but for now I just decided to use this hint as API query and move forward with the task :)
Weird Feature 2.
- I came to same conclusion as last error message when making POST request to the address of
it would work for Postman, but not for Reactor Netty. This time message was"Moved Permanently. Redirecting to /api/v0.1/countries/flag/images/q?country=NG"
and I had much fun clicking eastern egg like 5 minutes :D. No redirect messages again.