- New FXINI, FXINIFile classes added to parse (and unparse) configuration (registry) file format into FXVariant datastructure.
- Updated variant test program to load/save configuration (registry) file format.
- Some minor issues parsing infinity and nan fixed in JSON parser.
- Keyword recognition in JSON only when keyword expected. Now reserved words/keywords allowed in places where identifiers are expected (JSON5).
- Some minor issues parsing infinity and nan fixed in JSON parser.
- Shell-command dialog for Adie text editor now has command scrollback for previously executed commands.
- New feature to executed highlighted line as command in Adie.
- Fast conversion of FXColor (RGBA) pixel value to/from FXVec4f or FXVec4d using AVX2.
- Fixed default parameter in FXString find_last_of(), find_last_not_of().
- Quaternion normalize() will be replacing adjust(). A new fast incremental quaternion fastnormalize() API added to re-normalize almost- normalized quaternion. This technique is MUCH faster than normalize(), since only multiply-add used, no sqrt() or division.
- FXJSON parser speedups.
- FXFile, FXIODevice, FXIO updates.
- FXMappedFile class for memory mapped files added.
- New API FXThread::ticks() returns CPU tick counter; this replaces old fxgetticks().
- Some internal improvements w.r.t. FILETIME on Windows in different places.
- FXStat::stat() API added for getting permissions from open file by handle.