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JS Training

Installation instruction

  1. Install git
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Checkout branch 0-initial (git checkout 0-initial)
  4. Install node version manager
  5. Install node 8.9.4 (nvm install 8.9.4)
  6. Tell nvm to use installed node version (nvm use 8.9.4)
  7. In the repository directiory (with package.json file) - call npm install
  8. Install karma globally - npm i -g karma-cli@1.0.1
  9. Install mocha globally - npm i -g mocha@5.0.0
  10. Install yarn globally - npm i -g yarn

When on webpack branch:

  1. To run the app: "npm start" - app starts on port 3000
  2. To run karma tests: "karma start"
    • use 'Chrome' in karma.conf.js browsers array to test in the Chrome browser
    • use 'ChromeHeadless' in karma.conf.js browsers array to test in the headless version of Chrome
  3. To run mocha tests: "mocha node"


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