This demo illustrates the capabilities of Document AI and Gemini.
Create a document AI processor , in this case , it is an OCR type processor.
Create a .env file with the following environment variables:
Create a Dockerfile file
Build the image locally, cd into your project folder and run.
docker buildx build .
Run the docker image using the application default credentials used for authentication.
docker run -v "Path to you loclal application default credentials i.e application_default_credentials.json":/gcp/creds.json:ro --env GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/gcp/creds.json -p 8080:8080 "YOUR_DOCKER_IMAGE"
Access the app via the localhost.
- Create a document AI processor , in this case , it is an OCR type processor.
- Create a .env file with the following environment variables:
- Create a Dockerfile file
- Build the image and push it to conatiner registry
gcloud builds submit --tag --timeout=1h
- Create a service in cloud run based on the built image.
- Access the app via the link provided by the cloud run service.