Zero-dependencies, light-weight library (~4.6KB minified + gzipped)
for modeling, validating & sanitizing data
Performing duck-type validation and data sanitation is not what I came to this world for... I want a utility helping me simplify that task.
This utility must:
- Check whether certain value has the shape of a predefined schema-type
- When a given value does not match the schema, it must offer a full report of what is wrong with the given value vs what the schema is expecting! (see:
- Be easy to extend and share schemas within each other (see:
- Provide a built-in set of types for most common usages (see:
- Allow custom types as well as a cast and transform hooks (see:
Let's put hands on it!
$ npm i duckfficer
# or
$ yarn add duckfficer
const { Schema } = require('duckfficer')
// lets create a schema first
const User = new Schema({
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
get fullName () {
return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName
dob: Date,
contact: {
phoneNumber: {
type: Number,
autoCast: true // transforms String that look like a number into a Number
emails: {
default () {
return []
type: Array,
arraySchema: {
type: String,
regex: [/^[a-z0-9._]+@[a-z0-9-]+\.[a-z]{2,}$/, '{ value } is not a valid e-mail address']
firstName: 'Fulano de Tal',
contact: {
emails: ['fulanito']
.catch(err => {
console.log(err.message) // => Data is not valid
console.log(err.errors.length) // => 4
console.log(err.errors[0].message) // => Property lastName is required
console.log(err.errors[0].field.fullPath) // => lastName
console.log(err.errors[1].message) // => Property dob is required
console.log(err.errors[1].field.fullPath) // => dob
console.log(err.errors[2].message) // => Property contact.phoneNumber is required
console.log(err.errors[2].field.fullPath) // => contact.phoneNumber
console.log(err.errors[3].message) // => fulanito is not a valid e-mail address
console.log(err.errors[3].field.fullPath) // => contact.emails.0
firstName: 'Fulano',
lastName: 'de Tal',
dob: '1/1/2020',
contact: {
phoneNumber: '3051234567',
emails: [
.then(obj => {
console.log(obj.dob instanceof Date) // => true
console.log(typeof // => number
console.log(obj) // =>
firstName: 'Fulano',
lastName: 'de Tal',
dob: 2020-01-01T05:00:00.000Z,
contact: {
phoneNumber: 3051234567,
emails: [ '', '' ]
Β© 2019-2020 Martin Rafael