Use Neovim and Tmux with Alacritty on Kali Linux.
View the Tmux Keybindings
View the Nvim Keybindings
Custom Neovim configuration
Custom Tmux configuration
Custom Alacritty configuration
Custom .zshrc configuration
git clone ~/.config/nvim
source ~/.config/nvim/
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim
rm -rf ~/.local/state/nvim
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim
NvChad is a neovim config written in lua aiming to provide a base configuration with very beautiful UI and blazing fast startuptime (around 0.02 secs ~ 0.07 secs). We tweak UI plugins such as telescope, nvim-tree etc well to provide an aesthetic UI experience.
Lazy loading is done 93% of the time meaning that plugins will not be loaded by default, they will be loaded only when required also at specific commands, events etc. This lowers the startuptime and it was like 0.07~ secs tested on an old pentium machine 1.4ghz + 4gb ram & HDD.
NvChad is supposed to be used with its starter config, so nvchad main repo ( this repo ) can be imported as a plugin via lazy's import feature and then you can easily use this repo's modules like autocmds etc.
- Here's a video that showcases it.
- Many beautiful themes, theme toggler by our base46 plugin
- Lightweight & performant ui plugin with NvChad UI It provides statusline modules, tabufline ( tabs + buffer manager) , beautiful cheatsheets, NvChad updater, hide & unhide terminal buffers, theme switcher and much more!
- File navigation with nvim-tree.lua
- Beautiful and configurable icons with nvim-web-devicons
- Git diffs and more with gitsigns.nvim
- NeoVim Lsp configuration with nvim-lspconfig and mason.nvim
- Autocompletion with nvim-cmp
- File searching, previewing text files and more with telescope.nvim.
- Syntax highlighting with nvim-treesitter
- Autoclosing braces and html tags with nvim-autopairs
- Indentlines with indent-blankline.nvim
- Useful snippets with friendly snippets + LuaSnip.
- Popup mappings keysheet whichkey.nvim
- Navigate seamlessly between nvim and tmux splits using a consistent set of hotkeys vim-tmux-navigator
- The prefix key for Tmux is Control + Space for more convenient access.
- 'ctrl + space + shift + |' or 'tmux split-window -h' to split window horizontally and stay in the current directory
- 'ctrl + space + shift + _' or 'tmux split-window -v' to split window vertically and stay in the current directory
- 'ctrl + h' => Left
- 'ctrl + j' => Down
- 'ctrl + k' => Up
- 'ctrl + l' => Right
- 'ctrl + space + m' to maximize the current pane
- 'ctrl + space + c' to create a new window
- 'ctrl + space + ,' to rename a window
- 'ctrl + space + <window_number>' to switch directly to a specific window in the current tmux session
- 'ctrl + space + n' to cycle through the list of windows in the tmux session in a forward direction
- 'ctrl + space + p' to cycle through the list of windows in the tmux session in a backward direction
- 'ctrl + space + [' to switch to tmux navigation mode allowing vertical movement through terminal output
- 'y' to yank (copy) text currently under the cursor in tmux navigation mode
- 'q' to return from tmux navigation mode and resume regular input mode in the terminal pane
- 'tmux new -s <session_name>' to create a new, independent tmux session with a specified name
- 'ctrl + space + d' or 'tmux detach' to detach from tmux session
- 'tmux ls' to list tmux sessions
- 'tmux attach' to attach to the most recent tmux session
- 'tmux attach-session -t <session_name>' to attach to a specific tmux session
- 'tmux kill-session -t <session_name>' to end a specific tmux session
- 'tmux kill-server' to end all tmux sessions
- 'ctrl + space + x' to kill a pane
- 'ctrl + space + shift + &' to kill a window
- 'tmux swap-window -s 3 -t 2' or 'ctrl + space + :' + 'swap-window -s 2 -t 3' + 'enter' to swap the source window (3) with the target window (2)
- The leader key for neovim is Space.
- 'space + ch' or ':NvCheatsheet' to view neovim keybindings
- 'space + fw' to live grep
- 'space + ff' to find files
- 'space + e' to toggle nvimtree
- 'i' to enter insert mode
- 'escape key' to enter normal mode
- 'shift + zz' or ':wq' to save and exit
- 'shift + zq' or ':q' to exit without saving
or Left Arrow (←
) to move the cursor left one characterj
or Down Arrow (↓
) to move the cursor down one linek
or Up Arrow (↑
) to move the cursor up one linel
or Right Arrow (→
) to move the cursor right one character- '/' to search for text within the current file
- 'space + h' to open a new horizonal terminal window within Neovim
- 'space + v' to open a new vertical terminal window within Neovim
- 'ctrl + x' to escape Neovim terminal window
- 'yy' to yank (copy) the entire current line into the default register
- 'p' to paste the contents of the default register
- 'dd' to cut the entire line
- 'daw' to delete (cut) the entire word under the cursor
- 'cc' to delete the entire current line and set Neovim to insert mode
- 'ciw' to change (cut) the word under the cursor and set Neovim to insert mode
- '<number_of_lines> + j' to move cursor down a specific number of lines
- '<number_of_lines> + k' to move cursor up a specific number of lines
- 'shift + g' to move cursor to the last line
- 'gg' to move cursor to the first line
- 'shift + 0' moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line
- 'shift + 4' moves the cursor to the end of the current line
- 'viw' to select the current word under the cursor
- 'shift + v' to select an entire line
- 'w' to move the cursor forward to the beginning of the next word
- 'b' to move the cursor backward to the beginning of the previous word
- ':<line_number>' to navigate to a specific line number
- ':%s/<old_substring>/<new_substring>/g' to replace all occurrences of a substring with another substring
- @lorvethe for making the NvChad logo.