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This is a Node.Js project made with the implementation of web framework Express API Routes.

Getting Started

To run the application

npm run start
# or
node app.js

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

To Enter, Register first on the Register page or else Login on the Login page with the Username and Password used during Registration.


Pug has been used as template engine for Node and for the browser. Pug makes it easy both to write reusable HTML, as well as to render data pulled from a database or API. To install Pug

$ npm install pug

To install Socket.IO

$ npm install

Node.js has been used in the backend.

For storage and retrieval of data noSQL database MongoDB has been used.


Provides all the essential features of Twitter with the Search facility of Users and Posts.

Added feature of getting Notifications Popup at the top to aware the User of who have Followed or Messaged the User in Realtime.

Feature of Group chatting along with personal chat have been provided with the help of SOCKET.IO.

Passwords are protected with multiple rounds of hashing with the help of bcrypt.js.

Learn More

To learn more about Pug, Socket.IO, take a look at the following resources:

  • Pugjs - learn about Implementation, features and API.
  • Socket.IO - learn about Implementation, features and API.