How do I export array datasets (such as full-waveform sonic logs) from Warrior 8 in a way that allows archiving of data without relying on proprietary file formats?
This repository has a notebook and script (essentially the same code in both) that allows this in a two-step process:
- Export from Warrior 8 as a LIS file
- Read the LIS file using TotalDepth, a GPL-licensed Python library. I don't know how to install this on Windows, but it runs fine on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).
- Write the curve datasets out as a LAS file, and the array/waveform datasets out as WellCAD-compatible ASCII files (WAF). The latter are easily importable into WellCAD, but are also simple ASCII files, easily readable using Python or any other software (see wellcadformats).
See the notebook or use the script
$ single_log_pass_example.tap
The script is not general-purpose - it is hard-coded to handle the logs I am including in my LIS exports. However, it should be simple for you to follow the notebook and adjust as needed - or to produce a more general-purpose script.