Hello all! I will be updating this Github with planned changes, known bugs and channels for feedback/feature requests in regards to the Hiatus Menu - Now available in my public folder "dfg's contraptions". If you do not have a copy of my public folder, you can find a copy in "The Directory" or PM me in game/on discord dfgHiatus#7426.
The Hiatus Menu is an SAO-themed Avatar UI that can be used to drive the functionality of avatar subsystems, toggle clothing, serve as a vanity and is easily customizable to meet the needs of its end user.
- Spawn the Menu Installer for VRIK Avatars into the world for one-click installation. (If installing for Head-And-Hands Avatars, parent under your centered root)
- Under "Main", modify the ValueUserOvveride to your user. Set the value to true, this drives the private UI mode
- Delete Tutorial Visual, and have fun. Open and close the menu by gripping and flicking up/down
- Map hierarchy of Menu to Github, for ease of access and customization
- Create Menu installer for Head-And-Hands Avatars
- Add grab-ability and scale-ability to individual sub-menus
- Add "presets" options - the ability to toggle entire sets of clothing, etc with one button press