A list of resources I've found useful for electrical engineering education. Pretty much everything is stored in the README, but I may move things into folders if it gets overly cluttered.
This guy has some incredible videos on introductory topics in control theory. I feel like I could have replaced at least two of my Sophomore and Junior courses just with his YouTube channel. He explains topics in a direct and easy to understand way, with minimal fluff. He's so good that he deserves his own section.
- Classical Control Theory - Basically a compilation of all of his Controls lectures. 47 videos.
- Laplace and Fourier Transforms
- Bode Plots
- The Root Locus Method
- Routh-Hurwitz Criterion
- PID Control
- Lead/Lag Compensators
- Discrete Control
- The Scientist & Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing, 1999 - An entire textbook, available free online.
- Digital Signal Processing subreddit - A friendly community for discussing digital signal processing.
- Common misconceptions on the radiation hardness of integrated circuits
- Cancel PWM DAC ripple with analog subtraction—revisited
- Isolated Bias Power Supply Architecture and Topology Trade-offs for HEV/EVs
- EMC For Everyone
- EMC and FCC Certifications in 5(ish) Minutes
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to PCB Design
- Top 10 Design for Manufacturing Mistakes by Sam Sattel
- How to Design PCBs by Andy Fierman
- PCB Design Checklist
- /r/PrintedCircuitBoard Wiki
- PCB Design Tutorial by David Jones
- Rules and guidelines for drawing good schematics
- Circuit Board Layout for Automotive Electronics
- The Art of Electronics
- Decoupling Caps, Signal Integrity, and Power— Oh My!
- What is Proper Decoupling and Why is it Necessary?
- PCB Design Guidelines For Reduced EMI
- Some of the Worst EMC Design Guidelines
- Should You Worry About 90 Degree Bends in Circuit Board Traces?
- Right-angle PCB Traces: It’s Time to Kill the Myths
- Murata - Noise Suppression Basic Course
- How to characterize a power transformer for EMI performance
- Using interleaved ground planes to improve noise filtering from isolated power supplies
- Optimizing Power Distribution Networks for Flat Impedance
- 8 PCB Grounding Rules to Live By
- What are the advantages of having two ground pours?
- Should chassis ground be attached to digital ground?
- Why proper bypassing and grounding matters
- NTC Thermistor Infodoc
- Basics of Load Switches
- The Dropout’s Guide to PCB Trace Antenna Design
- Ferrite Beads Demystified
- Ceramic caps vs electrolytic. What are the tangible differences in use?
- Why is there so much fear surrounding LiPo batteries?
- Choosing a power supply
- Electrolytic Capacitor Application Guide
- How to select input capacitors for a buck converter
- Ripple Current and its Effects on the Performance of Capacitors
- What Influences Electrolytic Capacitor Lifespan?
- Hot, Cold, and Broken: Thermal Design Techniques
- A Comprehensive Guide to Thermal Paste and Its Benefits in Modern Electronics
- KiCad EDA - Schematic Capture & PCB Design Software
- Altium Designer add-ons (repo)
- Trace Resistance Calculator
- Via Resistance Calculator
- IPC-2221 Trace Width Calculator
- IPC-2221/IPC9592 Trace Spacing Calculator
- PCB Panelizer Visualization Tool
- awesome-automotive: A curated list of delightful and free automotive engineering resources
- Load Dump Protection for 24V Automotive Applications
- Automotive Line Transient Protection Circuit
- Clean Code - Uncle Bob - Very long, but well worth your time!
- All C++20 core language features with examples
- Common Weakness Enumeration - A community-developed list of software and hardware weakness types.
- Questions to Ask: Software Architecture, Design, And Coding
- The C Programming Language
- Godbolt Compiler Explorer - Compiles your C-code into assembly, with your choice of compiler.
- Mimicc - "Mimicc is a clang-based C/C++ compiler and mocking framework that turns function and method declarations directly into runnable mocks."
- Embedded Artistry - For Beginners - This webpage is a valuable repository of embedded programming resources in and of itself!
- Introduction to Microcontrollers - Beginnings
- EmbeTronicX - A wide selection of embedded programming tutorials.
- A ‘C’ Test: The 0x10 Best Questions for Would-be Embedded Programmers
- So You Want to Build An Embedded Linux System?? - a fantastic guide; give it a read even if you're not planning on using embedded Linux anytime soon.
- Getting smacked by the long tail of poor design habits
- Jaywalking Around the Compiler
- How to make Toast - an amusing little story
- Project Based Tutorials in C
- Great Watchdog Timers For Embedded Systems, by Jack Ganssle
- Modern C++ Whitepaper: Making things do stuff - A walkthrough on "how to use Modern C++ to manipulate hardware on a typical embedded microcontroller. "
- "Modern C++ in Embedded Systems" - A good, realistic, overview, of developing for embedded in Modern C++.
- "“Hey C, This Is What Performance Looks like" - How compile-time programming in C++ gives you expressive code that can't be made in C.
- stm32plus : The C++ library for the STM32 F0, F100, F103, F107 and F4 microcontrollers
- Embedded Artistry
- libc - Embedded Artistry's libc is a stripped-down C standard library implementation targeted for microcontroller-based embedded systems.
- libmemory - Embedded Artistry's libmemory is a memory management library for embedded systems. If you have a bare metal system and want to use malloc(), this library is for you!
- Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists (Video)
- Approximating sines and cosines:
- Embedded Muse 456 - see 'Math Approximations'
- Embedded Muse 457 - see 'Sine and Cosine'
- Are We Shooting Ourselves in the Foot with Stack Overflow? - How to make stack overflows a little more safe by moving the stack to the bottom of RAM.
- Public Speaking - Mark Browne
- Tips for Academic Writing and Other Formal Writing
- Considerations for engineering leaders creating an onboarding strategy
- What happens to people without any retirement savings?
- Bret Devereaux's tips & tricks for teaching
- Public Relations Spending By Police
- Obtaining a Patent in a Corporate Environment