This is just a set of commits to build a couple simple Cypress tests for the DKAN homepage.
A complete how to on Cypress. It just breaks up a few of the common things I use when working with Cypress. See the Cypress docs for a complete how to.
There are 6 branches in this repo and each adds to the next until you get to what is in the main
This is where the adventure starts.start-dkan-test
Add a new spec and start testing a real site.testing-library
Switch to using testing-library for accessing dom nodestopic-tests
Look a couple of ways to loop over some icon links and test them in different ways using a fixtureuser-interactions
Test out the hero on DKAN homepageaxe-testing
Add Cypress axe and setup some custom commands, including one for Cypress Axe and 2 to simplify the Hero tests
And that's it. This will all fail if the DKAN homepage ever changes.