The Agile Robotics for Industrial Automation Competition (ARIAC) is an annual competition initiated in 2017, and it is managed by NIST. Here you could find the repositories needed to run ARIAC 2018.
- ariac-2018_wiki, wiki explaining ARIAC 2018 competition.
- ariac-2018_gear, Gazebo environment for agile robotics (GEAR) for ARIAC 2018.
- ariac-2018_gazebo_ros, using ROS with the Gazebo simulator for ARIAC 2018.
- ariac-2018_docker, containerization of ARIAC 2018 competition server and competitors' code.
- ariac-2018_example_ws, examples of how to create a node in C++ and Python that interact with ARIAC 2018. competition server.
- ariac-2018_moveit, MoveIt! package for ROS Kinetic.
- ariac-2018_moveit_msgs, MoveIt! messages package for ROS Kinetic.
- ariac-2018_iiwa_stack, ROS Indigo/Kinetic metapackage for the KUKA LBR IIWA R800/R820 (7/14 Kg).
All these repositories are used in Ubuntu 16.04 and with ROS Kinetic, other versions could not work.