Tidy HTML output for Kirby
You’ll need the PHP tidy extension installed and loaded. You can check whether this is the case with the following command:
php -r "var_dump(extension_loaded('tidy'));"
composer require dgsiegel/kirby-tidy-html
git submodule add https://github.com/dgsiegel/kirby-tidy-html.git site/plugins/kirby-tidy-html
Download and copy this repository to site/plugins/kirby-tidy-html
The default values of the package are:
Option | Default | Description |
dgsiegel.kirby-tidy-html.enabled | false | Enable/disable tidy |
dgsiegel.kirby-tidy-html.options | [] | Tidy options |
Find all available Tidy options here: https://api.html-tidy.org/tidy/quickref_next.html
return [
'dgsiegel.kirby-tidy-html.enabled' => true,
'dgsiegel.kirby-tidy-html.options' => [
'drop-empty-paras' => 0,
'indent' => 2,
'indent' => 2,
'indent-spaces' => 2,
'indent-spaces' => 2,
'output-html' => 1,
'preserve-entities' => 1,
'priority-attributes' => 'id, class, name, src, alt',
'quote-ampersand' => 0,
'sort-attributes' => 0,
'vertical-space' => 1,
'wrap' => 0,