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revised compile, share and dockerfile
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dgv committed Nov 17, 2024
1 parent 60957b4 commit 47d2e6e
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Showing 4 changed files with 67 additions and 65 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions .dockerignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
14 changes: 6 additions & 8 deletions Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,19 +1,17 @@
FROM debian:bookworm-slim
RUN apt update &&\
apt install -y wget xz-utils bubblewrap git
ARG USER=nonuser
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash $USER
COPY . /home/$USER
apt install -y wget firejail git
ENV WORKDIR="/playzig/app"
RUN ARCH=$(uname -m) &&\
wget$ARCH-0.13.0.tar.xz &&\
tar -xf zig-linux-$ARCH-0.13.0.tar.xz &&\
rm zig-linux-$ARCH-0.13.0.tar.xz &&\
mv zig-linux-$ARCH-0.13.0 zig
ENV PATH="/home/$USER/zig:$PATH"
RUN git clone ziglings
RUN zig build -p . --prefix-exe-dir .
CMD ["./play-zig"]
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Following considerations when you use it:

- Running at last Zig stable version.
- 5s timeout by default.
- if bwrap is installed the consumption of networking is sandboxed.
- if firejail is installed the consumption of networking is sandboxed.
- code snippets for sharing are stored using sqlite.

### Motivation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,9 +43,7 @@ $ zig build run

ADDR Binding Address (default:
PORT port binding number (defult: 3000)
TIMEOUT timeout (default: 5)
BWRAP_NET network access (default: false)
PORT port binding number (defult: 8080)
AWS_ENDPOINT_URL_S3 endpoint of s3 to persist sqlite database (default: "")
AWS_BUCKET_NAME_S3 bucket name of s3 to persist sqlite database (default: "play-zig")
Expand Down
105 changes: 52 additions & 53 deletions main.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,9 +62,11 @@ pub fn main() !void {
defer ziglings_list.deinit();
// parse env
const addr = std.process.getEnvVarOwned(gpa, "ADDR") catch "";
const port = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u16, std.process.getEnvVarOwned(gpa, "PORT") catch "3000", 10);
const port = try std.fmt.parseUnsigned(u16, std.process.getEnvVarOwned(gpa, "PORT") catch "8080", 10);
const s3bucket = std.process.getEnvVarOwned(gpa, "AWS_BUCKET_NAME_S3") catch "play-zig";
const s3endpoint = std.process.getEnvVarOwned(gpa, "AWS_ENDPOINT_URL_S3") catch "";
// init db
try initDb();
try initDb(s3endpoint, s3bucket);
defer db.deinit();
// server config
var server = try httpz.Server().init(gpa, .{ .address = addr, .port = port, .request = .{
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ fn edit(req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
// /p/<snippet id>
const snippet = req.param("snippet") orelse "";
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, snippet, "")) {
content = get(snippet) catch {
content = get(req.arena, snippet) catch {
res.status = 404;
res.body = "Snippet not found";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,16 +152,6 @@ fn static(req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
res.body = try req.arena.dupe(u8, content);

fn isUnreserved(c: u8) bool {
return switch (c) {
':', ',', '?', '#', '[', ']', '@' => true,
'!', '$', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ';', '=' => true,
'A'...'Z', 'a'...'z', '0'...'9', '-', '.', '_', '~' => true,
'/', ' ' => true,
else => false,

fn run(req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
var timer = try std.time.Timer.start();
defer {
Expand All @@ -170,29 +162,24 @@ fn run(req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
const b = try req.formData();
const code = b.get("body") orelse "";
const isFmt = std.mem.containsAtLeast(u8, req.url.raw, 1, "fmt");
f = try if (isFmt) runFmt(req.arena, code) else runCompile(req.arena, code);
var temp = std.ArrayList(u8).init(req.arena);
defer temp.deinit();

f = try if (isFmt) runFmt(req.arena, code) else runCompile(code);
var parsed_err: []const u8 = "";
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, f.stderr, "")) {
var splitAllStr = try string.String.init_with_contents(
var temp_str = try string.String.init_with_contents(
const a = try splitAllStr.lines();
if (a.len > 1) {
splitAllStr = a[0];
_ = try splitAllStr.replace(".zig", "prog.zig");
_ = try splitAllStr.replace("<stdin>", "prog.zig");
const idx = splitAllStr.find("prog.zig") orelse 0;
defer splitAllStr.deinit();
try std.Uri.Component.percentEncode(temp.writer(), splitAllStr.str()[idx..splitAllStr.len()], isUnreserved);
_ = try temp_str.replace(".zig", "prog.zig");
_ = try temp_str.replace("<stdin>", "prog.zig");
const idx = temp_str.find("prog.zig") orelse 0;
defer temp_str.deinit();
parsed_err = try req.arena.dupe(u8, temp_str.str()[idx..temp_str.len()]);
const out = temp.items;
if (isFmt) {
try res.json(.{ .Error = out, .Body = f.stdout }, .{});
try res.json(.{ .Error = parsed_err, .Body = f.stdout }, .{});
} else {
try res.json(.{ .Errors = out, .Events = .{ .Message = f.stdout, .Kind = "stdout", .Delay = 0 }, .VetErrors = "" }, .{});
try res.json(.{ .Errors = parsed_err, .Events = .{ .Message = f.stdout, .Kind = "stdout", .Delay = 0 }, .VetErrors = "" }, .{});

Expand All @@ -204,7 +191,9 @@ fn share(req: *httpz.Request, res: *httpz.Response) !void {
const code = req.body() orelse "";
const id = try snippetId(code);
try put(id, code);
if (std.mem.eql(u8, get(req.arena, id) catch "", "")) {
try put(id, code);
res.body = id;
res.content_type = .TEXT;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,30 +222,41 @@ pub fn runFmt(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, code: []const u8) !output {
.stdin_input = code,
defer result.deinit();
const out = try alloc.dupe(u8, result.stdout orelse "");
var ido = out.len;
if (out.len > 1024) ido = 1024;
const err = try alloc.dupe(u8, result.stderr orelse "");
var ide = err.len;
if (err.len > 1024) ide = 1024;
return output{ .stdout = out[0..ido], .stderr = err[0..ide] };
return output{ .stdout = try alloc.dupe(u8, result.stdout orelse ""), .stderr = try alloc.dupe(u8, result.stderr orelse "") };

pub fn runCompile(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, code: []const u8) !output {
pub fn runCompile(code: []const u8) !output {
const alloc = std.heap.page_allocator;
// allocating 1MB for cmd
const mem = try alloc.alloc(u8, 1000000);
var tmp_file = try tmp.tmpFile(.{ .sufix = ".zig" });
defer tmp_file.deinit();
try tmp_file.f.writeAll(code);
try tmp_file.f.seekTo(0);
var buf: [max_snippet_size]u8 = undefined;
_ = try tmp_file.f.readAll(&buf);
const result = try{
const firejail = try{
.allocator = alloc,
.commands = &[_][]const []const u8{
&.{ "timeout", "5s", "zig", "run", tmp_file.abs_path },
&.{ "firejail", "--quiet", "zig", "version" },
var cmd = &[_][]const []const u8{
&.{ "timeout", "15s", "firejail", "--quiet", "--net=none", "--noprofile", "--noroot", "--rlimit-as=300m", "zig", "run", "--color", "off", tmp_file.abs_path },
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, firejail.trimedStderr(), "")) {
std.log.debug("no firejail detected", .{});
cmd = &[_][]const []const u8{
&.{ "zig", "run", "--color", "off", tmp_file.abs_path },
const result = try{
.allocator = alloc,
.commands = cmd,
defer result.deinit();
return output{ .stdout = try alloc.dupe(u8, result.stdout orelse ""), .stderr = try alloc.dupe(u8, result.stderr orelse "") };
return output{ .stdout = try alloc.dupe(u8, result.trimedStdout()), .stderr = try alloc.dupe(u8, result.trimedStderr()) };

fn snippetId(body: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
Expand All @@ -275,32 +275,31 @@ fn snippetId(body: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
return try gpa.dupe(u8, encoded[0..hashLen]);

fn initDb() !void {
const s3bucket = std.process.getEnvVarOwned(gpa, "AWS_BUCKET_NAME_S3") catch "play-zig";
const s3endpoint = std.process.getEnvVarOwned(gpa, "AWS_ENDPOINT_URL_S3") catch "";
fn initDb(s3endpoint: []const u8, s3bucket: []const u8) !void {
db = try s3db.init(.{
.mode = s3db.Db.Mode{ .Memory = {} },
.open_flags = .{ .write = true },

if (!std.mem.eql(u8, s3endpoint, "")) {
try db.exec("create virtual table if not exists snippets using s3db (s3_endpoint=$s3endpoint{[]const u8}, s3_bucket=$s3bucket{[]const u8}, s3_prefix='snippets', columns='key text primary key, value text')", .{}, .{ .s3endpoint = s3endpoint, .s3bucket = s3bucket });
try db.execDynamic(try std.fmt.allocPrint(gpa, "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE snippets USING s3db (s3_endpoint='{s}', s3_bucket='{s}', s3_prefix='snippets', columns='id text primary key, value text')", .{ s3endpoint, s3bucket }), .{}, .{});
} else {
try db.exec("create table if not exists snippets (key text primary key, value text)", .{}, .{});
try db.exec("CREATE TABLE snippets (id text primary key, value text)", .{}, .{});

fn put(id: []const u8, code: []const u8) !void {
return try db.exec("insert or replace into snippets(key, value) values($key{[]const u8}, $value{[]const u8})", .{}, .{ .key = id, .value = code });
try db.exec("INSERT INTO snippets (id, value) VALUES($id{[]const u8}, $value{[]const u8})", .{}, .{ .id = id, .value = code });

fn get(id: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
fn get(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, id: []const u8) ![]const u8 {
const kv = struct {
key: []const u8,
value: []const u8,
const code = try db.oneAlloc(kv, std.heap.page_allocator, "select id from user where key = $key{[]const u8}", .{}, .{
.key = id,
const code = try db.oneAlloc(kv, alloc, "SELECT value FROM snippets WHERE id = $id{[]const u8}", .{}, .{
.id = id,
return if (code) |v| v.value else "";
if (code) |v| {
return try gpa.dupe(u8, v.value);
} else return error.SnippetNotFound;

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