This action generates GIF animations from asciicast files using asciicast2gif
Required Input JSON path or url.
Required Output GIF path.
Color theme. Default "asciinema"
available: asciinema, tango, solarized-dark, solarized-light, monokai.
Animation speed. Default "1"
Image scale / pixel density. Default "2"
Example of generating GIF from asciicast URL, with default options:
❗ You need to add .cast (or .json) ext to the URL.
- name: Asciicast URL to GIF
uses: dgzlopes/asciicast-to-gif-action@v1.0
output: demo.gif
Example of generating GIF from local asciicast file, with Tango theme, double speed and single pixel density:
- name: Asciicast file to GIF
uses: dgzlopes/asciicast-to-gif-action@v1.0
input: 118274.json
output: demo.gif
theme: tango
speed: 2
scale: 1