This is kata exercise. It's a simple console program that receives one parameter when executed. This parameter is a path to a folder containing one or more text files that will be used as dictionaries with one entry per line. Then, the program will ask the user for a word or a phrase to look anagrams for, using the dictionary previously loaded from the file(s). The program will answer with the longest anagram found.
The user can quit the program by typing a 'Q' as the word to look anagrams for.
Note: this guide assumes that you have already downloaded and configured a JDK. In case you haven't done that, click this link.
Before running the program it's necessary to build it first:
- Download the source code. You can either fork this repo or use the download link.
- Open a terminal, and go to the src directory you just downloaded. It should contain this structure:
`-- com
`-- dhalcojor
- Compile the java code with this command:
javac com/dhalcojor/*.java
Once you have compiled the two files containing the source code, run this command to execute the program: java -cp . com.dhalcojor.Main [path]
[path] is the mandatory parameter the program needs to run. It must be a path in your machine to a folder containing one or more text files. Each line in those files will be a word or phrase that will be loaded into the dictionary. Once the files are loaded, the program will ask the user to type a word or phrase and will look in the dictionary for an anagram for the user input. This anagram will be at least 4 characters long and doesn't need to have as many characters as the input.
That's all, have fun with the program. In case you don't want to create the files for the dictionary yourself, you can find some examples in the folder examples
of the repo.
You could run these two examples:
java -cp . com.dhalcojor.Main ../examples/english
java -cp . com.dhalcojor.Main ../examples/spanish