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Final 200 - Easy

Number Problem Name Solution
1 Valid Palindrome Valid Palindrome
2 Two Sum Two Sum
3 Missing Number Missing Number
4 Linked List Cycle Linked List Cycle
5 Valid Parentheses Valid Parentheses
6 Merge Two Sorted Lists Merge Two Sorted Lists
7 Middle of the Linked List Middle of the Linked List
8 Palindrome Linked List Palindrome Linked List
9 Reverse Linked List Reverse Linked List
10 Climbing Stairs Climbing Stairs
11 Symmetric Tree Symmetric Tree
12 Invert Binary Tree Invert Binary Tree
13 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
14 Same Tree Same Tree
15 Summary Ranges Summary Ranges
16 Valid Anagram Valid Anagram
17 Ransom Note Ransom Note
18 Isomorphic Strings Isomorphic Strings
19 Contains Duplicate II Contains Duplicate II
20 Happy Number Happy Number
21 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Remove Duplicates

Final 200 - Medium

Number Problem Name Solution
1 Find All Anagrams in a String Find All Anagrams in a String
2 Group Anagrams Group Anagrams
3 Count and Say Count and Say
4 Subarray Sum Equals K Subarray Sum Equals K
5 Longest Consecutive Sequence Longest Consecutive Sequence
6 Container With Most Water Container With Most Water
7 Maximum Product Subarray Maximum Product Subarray
8 Product of Array Except Self Product of Array Except Self
9 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
10 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
11 Min Stack Min Stack
12 Simplify Path Simplify Path
13 Add Two Numbers Add Two Numbers
14 Copy List with Random Pointer Copy List with Random Pointer
15 Odd Even Linked List Odd Even Linked List
16 Remove Nth Node From End of List Remove Nth Node From End of List
17 LRU Cache LRU Cache
18 Validate Binary Search Tree Validate Binary Search Tree
19 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
20 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)
21 Design Add and Search Words Data Structure Design Add and Search Words Data Structure
22 Replace Words) Replace Words
23 Longest Word in Dictionary) Longest Word in Dictionary
24 Coin Change Coin Change
25 House Robber House Robber
26 Word Break Word Break
27 Minimum Size Subarray Sum Minimum Size Subarray Sum
28 Maximum Subarray Maximum Subarray
29 Sort Colors Sort Colors
30 Kth Largest Element in an Array Kth Largest Element in an Array
31 Find K Closest Elements Find K Closest Elements
32 Find All Duplicates in an Array Find All Duplicates in an Array
33 Top K Frequent Elements Top K Frequent Elements
34 Find Peak Element Find Peak Element
35 Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons
36 Merge Intervals Merge Intervals
37 Insert Interval Insert Interval
38 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II Remove Duplicates II
39 Find Duplicate Number Find Duplicate Number
40 Jump Game Jump Game
41 Jump Game II Jump Game II
42 Gas Station Gas Station

Final 200 - Hard

Number Problem Name Solution
1 Basic Calculator Basic Calculator
2 Trapping Rain Water Trapping Rain Water
3 Word Search II Word Search II
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Median of Two Sorted Arrays
5 Reverse Nodes in k-Group Reverse Nodes in k-Group

List of Topic-wise Leetcode Problems:

➤ Array Manipulation & Sorting

1.	Sort Colors ✅
2.	Find All Duplicates in an Array ✅
3.	Missing Number ✅
4.	Find Duplicate Number ✅
5.	Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array ✅
6.	Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II ✅
7.	Find K Closest Elements ✅
8.	Find Missing Positive Integer
9.	Find Peak Element ✅
10.	Find the Maximum Sum Subarray (Kadane’s Algorithm) ✅
11.	Kth Largest Element in an Array ✅
12.	Top K Frequent Elements ✅
13.	Longest Consecutive Sequence ✅
14.	Find the Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists
15.	Heapsort
16. Maximum Gap
17. Wiggle Sort II

➤ Searching Algorithms (Binary Search & Variants)

1.	Search in Rotated Sorted Array
2.	Search in Rotated Sorted Array II
3.	Find First and Last Position in a Sorted Array
4.	Search Insert Position
5.	Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
6.	Median of Two Sorted Arrays ✅
7.	Search a 2D Matrix

➤ Sliding Window & Substring Problems

1.	Valid Palindrome ✅
2.	Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters ✅
3.	Find All Anagrams in a String ✅
4.	Longest Palindromic Substring
5.	Minimum Window Substring

➤ Intervals & Merging Problems

1.	Summary Ranges ✅
2.	Merge Intervals ✅
3.	Insert Interval ✅
4.	Minimum Absolute Difference
5.	Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons ✅
6.	Maximum Number of Events That Can Be Attended
7.	Intersection of Two Arrays II

➤ Matrix Problems

1.	Rotate Image
2.	Set Matrix Zeroes
3.	Spiral Matrix
4.	Word Search

➤ Array/String Misc

3.	Find All Anagrams in a String ✅
4.	Subarray Sum Equals K ✅
5.	Minimum Size Subarray Sum ✅
6.	Maximum Product Subarray ✅
7.  Find First and Last Position in a Sorted Array
8.  Count and Say ✅

➤ Hashmaps

1. Valid Anagram ✅
2. Ransom Note ✅
3. Group Anagrams ✅
4. Isomorphic Strings ✅
5. Two Sum ✅
6. Contains Duplicate II ✅
7. Happy Number ✅

➤ Stacks and Queues

1.	Valid Parentheses ✅
2.	Min Stack ✅
3.	Backspace String Compare
4.	Simplify Path ✅
5.	Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation ✅
6.	Daily Temperatures
7.	Decode String
8.	Basic Calculator ✅
9.	Car Fleet
10.	Generate Parentheses
11.	Asteroid Collision
12.	Basic Calculator II
13.	Maximum Frequency Stack
14.	Longest Valid Parentheses
15.	Largest Rectangle in Histogram

➤ Linked Lists

1.	Reverse Linked List ✅
2.	Merge Two Sorted Lists ✅
3.	Linked List Cycle ✅
4.	Middle of the Linked List ✅
5.	Palindrome Linked List ✅
6.	Remove Nth Node From End of List ✅
7.	Copy List with Random Pointer ✅
8.	Add Two Numbers ✅
9.	Reorder List ✅
10.	Swap Nodes in Pairs ✅
11.	Odd Even Linked List ✅
12.	Sort List ✅
13.	Reverse Nodes in k-Group ✅
14.	Merge K Sorted Lists ✅
15.	LRU Cache ✅

➤ Trees

1.	Invert Binary Tree ✅
2.	Same Tree ✅
3.	Symmetric Tree ✅
4.	Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
5.	Balanced Binary Tree
6.	Subtree of Another Tree
7.	Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
8.	Diameter of Binary Tree
9.	Path Sum
10.	Count Complete Tree Nodes
11.	Validate Binary Search Tree ✅
12.	Kth Smallest Element in a BST
13.	Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
14.	Binary Tree Level Order Traversal ✅
15.	Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
16.	Binary Tree Right Side View
17.	Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree
18.	Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
19.	Path Sum II
20.	Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II
21.	Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
22.	Minimum Absolute Difference in BST
23.	Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
24.	Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree
25.	Recover Binary Search Tree

➤ Trie

1.	Implement Trie ✅
2.	Design Add and Search Words Data Structure ✅ 
3.	Longest Word in Dictionary ✅ 
4.	Replace Words ✅ 
5.  Word Search II ✅ 

➤ Heap

1.	Kth Largest Element in a Stream
2.	Last Stone Weight
3.	Kth Largest Element in an Array ✅
4.	K Closest Points to Origin
5.	Task Scheduler
6.	Top K Frequent Words
7.	Find K Closest Elements ✅
8.	Merge K Sorted Lists
9.	Find Median from Data Stream
10.	Sliding Window Median

➤ Backtracking

1.	N-Queens
2.	Sudoku Solver
3.	Word Search
4.	Subsets
5.	Permutations
6.	Combination Sum
7.	Generate Parentheses
8.	Palindrome Partitioning
9.	Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
10.	Restore IP Addresses

➤ Graphs

1.	Flood Fill
2.	Number of Islands
3.	Max Area of Island
4.	Clone Graph
5.	Course Schedule
6.	Course Schedule II
7.	Pacific Atlantic Water Flow
8.	Rotting Oranges
9.	Surrounded Regions
10.	Walls and Gates
11.	Graph Valid Tree
12.	Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph
13.	Redundant Connection
14.	Find Eventual Safe States
15.	Network Delay Time
16.	Path with Maximum Probability
17.	Word Ladder
18.	Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination
19.	Alien Dictionary
20.	Find Strongly Connected Components

➤ Dynamic Programming

1.	Climbing Stairs ✅
2.	Coin Change ✅
3.	Word Break ✅
4.	House Robber ✅
5.	Edit Distance
6.	Palindromic Substrings
7.	0/1 Knapsack Problem
8.	Longest Common Subsequence
9.	Longest Increasing Subsequence
10.	Partition Equal Subset Sum
11.	Decode Ways
12.	Unique Paths
13.	Maximal Square
14.	Shortest Common Supersequence
15.	Interleaving String
16. House Robber II

➤ Greedy Algorithms

1.	Activity Selection Problem
2.	Huffman Encoding
3.	Minimum Platforms
4.	Job Sequencing Problem
5.	Jump Game 
6.	Gas Station ✅
7.	Partition Labels
8.	Dijkstra’s Algorithm
9.	Trapping Rain Water ✅
10.	Largest Rectangle in Histogram
11.	Container With Most Water ✅
12.	Reorganize String

➤ Bit Manipulation, Maths, Misc

1.	Single Number
2.	Number of 1 Bits
3.	Counting Bits
4.	Reverse Bits
5.	Add Binary
6.	Divide Two Integers
8.	Single Number II
9.	Bitwise AND of Numbers Range
10.	Palindrome Number
11.	Plus One
12.	Pow(x, n)
14.	Factorial Trailing Zeroes
15.	Multiply Strings


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