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Port examples to use the effect handler syntax.
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dhil committed Jul 15, 2024
1 parent a2dc673 commit 0bb13cd
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Showing 19 changed files with 1,045 additions and 185 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion examples/
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Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ $ dune build

After successfully building the suite you can run each example via
`dune`, which will run either the native or bytecode version of an
example depending on which suffix you supply, e.g. to run the native version type
example depending on which suffix you supply, e.g. to run the native
version type

$ dune exec ./nqueens.exe
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60 changes: 24 additions & 36 deletions examples/
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Expand Up @@ -81,31 +81,27 @@ end = struct
if Queue.is_empty st.suspended then ()
else Queue.take st.suspended ()

let hsched : unit -> (unit, unit) Effect.Deep.handler
= fun () ->
let run : (unit -> unit) -> unit
= fun f ->
let state = { suspended = Queue.create () } in
let open Effect.Deep in
{ retc = (fun () -> run_next state)
; exnc = (fun e ->
match e with
| End_of_strand -> run_next state
| e -> raise e)
; effc = (fun (type a) (eff : a Effect.t) ->
match eff with
| Await pr -> Some (fun (k : (a, unit) continuation) ->
(if Promise.is_done pr
then continue k (Promise.value pr)
else Promise.wait pr (fun v -> continue k v));
run_next state)
| Fork -> Some (fun (k : (bool, unit) continuation) ->
let open Multicont.Deep in
let r = promote k in
enqueue state (fun () -> resume r false);
resume r true)
| Yield -> Some (fun (k : (unit, unit) continuation) ->
enqueue state (fun () -> continue k ());
run_next state)
| _ -> None) }
match f () with
| () -> ()
| exception End_of_strand -> run_next state
| effect Await pr, k ->
let open Effect.Deep in
(if Promise.is_done pr
then continue k (Promise.value pr)
else Promise.wait pr (fun v -> continue k v));
run_next state
| effect Fork, k ->
let open Multicont.Deep in
let r = promote k in
enqueue state (fun () -> resume r false);
resume r true
| effect Yield, k ->
let open Effect.Deep in
enqueue state (fun () -> continue k ());
run_next state

let run : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
Expand All @@ -115,7 +111,7 @@ end = struct
let v = f () in
result := (fun () -> v)
let () = Effect.Deep.match_with f' () (Scheduler.hsched ()) in f';
!result ()

Expand All @@ -128,17 +124,9 @@ module Env = struct

let bind : int -> (unit -> 'b) -> 'b
= fun v f ->
let open Effect.Deep in
let hdynbind : ('b, 'b) Effect.Deep.handler =
{ retc = (fun x -> x)
; exnc = (fun e -> raise e)
; effc = (fun (type a) (eff : a Effect.t) ->
match eff with
| Ask -> Some (fun (k : (a, _) continuation) ->
continue k v)
| _ -> None) }
match_with f () hdynbind
match f () with
| ans -> ans
| effect Ask, k -> Effect.Deep.continue k v

(* The `well-behaveness' of this implementation can be illustrated by
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Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
* McCarthy's locally angelic choice

open Effect.Deep

type 'a Effect.t += Choose : (unit -> 'a) list -> 'a Effect.t

let amb : (unit -> 'a) list -> 'a
Expand All @@ -27,20 +25,12 @@ let handle : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
= fun m ->
(* McCarthy's locally angelic choice operator (angelic modulo
nontermination). *)
let hamb =
{ retc = (fun x -> x)
; exnc = (fun e -> raise e)
; effc = (fun (type b) (eff : b Effect.t) ->
match eff with
| Choose xs ->
(fun (k : (b, _) continuation) ->
let open Multicont.Deep in
let r = promote k in
first_success (resume r) xs)
| _ -> None) }
match_with m () hamb
match m () with
| ans -> ans
| effect Choose xs, k ->
let open Multicont.Deep in
let r = promote k in
first_success (resume r) xs

(* The following examples are adapted from Oleg Kiselyov
"Non-deterministic choice amb"
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@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
(* Generic counting example based on Hillerström et al. (2020) *)

open Effect.Deep

type _ Effect.t += Branch : bool Effect.t

type point = int -> bool
Expand All @@ -16,21 +14,18 @@ let xor_predicate : int -> predicate
| [] -> false
| v :: vs -> List.fold_left xor v vs

let generic_count : (bool, int) handler =
{ retc = (fun x -> if x then 1 else 0)
; exnc = (fun e -> raise e)
; effc = (fun (type a) (eff : a Effect.t) ->
match eff with
| Branch ->
Some (fun (k : (a, _) continuation) ->
let open Multicont.Deep in
let r = promote k in
let tt = resume r true in
let ff = resume r false in
tt + ff)
| _ -> None) }
let generic_count : ((int -> bool) -> bool) -> int
= fun f ->
match f (fun _ -> Effect.perform Branch) with
| ans -> if ans then 1 else 0
| effect Branch, k ->
let open Multicont.Deep in
let r = promote k in
let tt = resume r true in
let ff = resume r false in
tt + ff

let _ =
let n = try int_of_string Sys.argv.(1) with _ -> 8 in
let solutions = match_with (xor_predicate n) (fun _ -> Effect.perform Branch) generic_count in
let solutions = generic_count (xor_predicate n) in
Printf.printf "%d\n" solutions
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions examples/legacy/
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Compiling and running the legacy examples

The legacy examples do not make use of the effect handler syntax added
in OCaml 5.3. To compile and run the examples suite you must first
have installed the library via OPAM. In order to build the suite
simply invoke `dune`, i.e.

$ dune build

After successfully building the suite you can run each example via
`dune`, which will run either the native or bytecode version of an
example depending on which suffix you supply, e.g. to run the native
version type

$ dune exec ./nqueens.exe

and for the bytecode version type

$ dune exec ./nqueens.bc.exe
187 changes: 187 additions & 0 deletions examples/legacy/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
(* An algebraically well-behaved implementation of async/await with
multi-shot continuations. *)

module Async: sig
module Promise: sig
type 'a t
exception Circular_await

val await : 'a Promise.t -> 'a
val async : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a Promise.t
val yield : unit -> unit
val run : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
end = struct

module Promise = struct
type 'a promise = Done of 'a
| Pending of ('a -> unit) list
type 'a t = 'a promise ref

exception Circular_await

let is_done : 'a t -> bool
= fun pr -> match !pr with
| Done _ -> true
| _ -> false

let wait : 'a t -> ('a -> unit) -> unit
= fun pr r -> match !pr with
| Done _ -> assert false
| Pending rs -> pr := Pending (r :: rs)

let value : 'a t -> 'a
= fun pr -> match !pr with
| Done v -> v
| Pending _ -> assert false

let make_empty : unit -> 'a t
= fun () -> ref (Pending [])

type _ Effect.t += Await : 'a Promise.t -> 'a Effect.t
| Fork : bool Effect.t
| Yield : unit Effect.t

exception End_of_strand

let await : 'a Promise.t -> 'a
= fun pr -> Effect.perform (Await pr)

let fork : unit -> bool
= fun () -> Effect.perform Fork

let yield : unit -> unit
= fun () -> Effect.perform Yield

let async : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a Promise.t
= fun f ->
let pr = Promise.make_empty () in
if fork () (* returns twice *)
then pr
else let v = f () in
(match !pr with
| Done _ -> assert false
| Pending rs ->
pr := Done v;
List.iter (fun r -> r v) rs);
raise End_of_strand

module Scheduler = struct

type state = { suspended: (unit -> unit) Queue.t }

let enqueue : state -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
= fun st r ->
Queue.add r st.suspended

let run_next : state -> unit
= fun st ->
if Queue.is_empty st.suspended then ()
else Queue.take st.suspended ()

let hsched : unit -> (unit, unit) Effect.Deep.handler
= fun () ->
let state = { suspended = Queue.create () } in
let open Effect.Deep in
{ retc = (fun () -> run_next state)
; exnc = (fun e ->
match e with
| End_of_strand -> run_next state
| e -> raise e)
; effc = (fun (type a) (eff : a Effect.t) ->
match eff with
| Await pr -> Some (fun (k : (a, unit) continuation) ->
(if Promise.is_done pr
then continue k (Promise.value pr)
else Promise.wait pr (fun v -> continue k v));
run_next state)
| Fork -> Some (fun (k : (bool, unit) continuation) ->
let open Multicont.Deep in
let r = promote k in
enqueue state (fun () -> resume r false);
resume r true)
| Yield -> Some (fun (k : (unit, unit) continuation) ->
enqueue state (fun () -> continue k ());
run_next state)
| _ -> None) }

let run : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
= fun f ->
let result = ref (fun () -> raise Promise.Circular_await) in
let f' () =
let v = f () in
result := (fun () -> v)
let () = Effect.Deep.match_with f' () (Scheduler.hsched ()) in
!result ()

(* Another effect: dynamic binding *)
module Env = struct
type _ Effect.t += Ask : int Effect.t

let ask : unit -> int
= fun () -> Effect.perform Ask

let bind : int -> (unit -> 'b) -> 'b
= fun v f ->
let open Effect.Deep in
let hdynbind : ('b, 'b) Effect.Deep.handler =
{ retc = (fun x -> x)
; exnc = (fun e -> raise e)
; effc = (fun (type a) (eff : a Effect.t) ->
match eff with
| Ask -> Some (fun (k : (a, _) continuation) ->
continue k v)
| _ -> None) }
match_with f () hdynbind

(* The `well-behaveness' of this implementation can be illustrated by
using it in conjunction with another effect. In each async strand
any occurrence of `Ask' is correctly bound by an ambient
`Env.bind'. *)
let main () =
let task name () =
Printf.printf "starting %s\n%!" name;
let v = Env.ask () in
Printf.printf "yielding %s\n%!" name;
Async.yield ();
Printf.printf "ending %s with %d\n%!" name v;
let pa =
Env.bind 40
(fun () -> Async.async (task "a"))
let pb =
Env.bind 2
(fun () -> Async.async (task "b"))
let pc =
(fun () -> Async.await pa + Async.await pb)
Printf.printf "Sum is %d\n" (Async.await pc);
assert Async.(await pa + await pb = await pc)

let _ = main

(* The following program would deadlock if cyclic
promise resolution was allowed *)
(* let try_deadlock () =
* let pr = ref (fun () -> assert false) in
* let task () =
* Async.await (!pr ())
* in
* print_endline "Fork task";
* let pr' = Async.async task in
* pr := (fun () -> pr');
* print_endline "Await";
* Async.await (!pr ())
* let _ = try_deadlock *)

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