Web Development : HTML, CSS, Javascript
A fully functional e-commerce app with an admin panel
– Tools & technologies used: Flutter, Javascript, Nodejs, MongoDB, Express, Mongoose
– features: auth with email/password, cart, searching products, fetching products based on category, rating, fetching
deal of the day, checking out using GPay/Apple Pay, viewing the orders
Create a room and let your friends join to start typing race adventure and know your speed in WPM
Chatify is a full-stack one-on-one/group chat application developed using Firebase and Flutter. It offers a wide range of features to enhance your chat experience, including phone number authentication, multimedia sharing, status updates, and much more.
...And many more, Checkout to REPOS 😉😉
- Flutter
- Dart
- Java
- NodeJs
- MongoDB
- Firebase
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Postman
- Git/Github
🌱 I’m currently learning Flutter
💬 Ask me about C, C++, Java, Dart, Flutter
📫 How to reach me gobindmishra23@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences My Resume
HACTOBERFEST 2022 & 2023