This code can be used to reproduce figures from the paper "On the Universality of the Double Descent Peak in Ridgeless Regression". It is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. The computations require installing PyTorch, NumPy and Matplotlib. Specifically, the code has been executed using Python 3.7.3 with the pip
packages torch==1.7.1
, matplotlib==3.3.2
and numpy==1.19.2
but should also be compatible with other similar versions. Computations are configured to be run on a CPU since SVD computations on a GPU have been slow in our experiments.
Besides producing plots, the provided code includes the computational verification of the full-rank property (FRK) for n=p for analytic functions whose input has a Lebesgue density, in particular for NTK feature maps. For more details, see the comments in
The functionality is distributed as follows:
initiates all relevant computations. The computations take around one day on a 6-core CPU. The number of repetitions can be reduced in order to make computations faster (but less accurate). Already computed data will not be recomputed. The computed data can also be downloaded from
contains functionality to sample data from distributions and (random) feature
contains functionality to compute noise-error estimates using Monte Carlo. It also provides functions to compute and save the data for the specific (random) feature maps and input distributions used in the paper and implemented
contains code that takes the saved data and generates the plots in the paper.