IC3-DIALDroid is an updated version of IC3 (http://siis.cse.psu.edu/ic3/). However, in contrast to IC3,
- It does not require apk files to be retargeted using DARE (i.e., can directly work on apk files.
- Due to more accurate lifecycle modeling, it can identify more intents.
- Due to numerous bug fixes it has less failures.
- Please download or clone this repository.
- You can directly use the standalone Jar file (ic3-dialdroid.jar) inside the build directory.
- Or you can build using ant (ant -d clean compile fullJar).
- To run IC3-DIALDroid you will need android platform files. You can get a collection here: https://github.com/dialdroid-android/android-platforms
- IC3-DIALDroid stores results in a MySQL database. The database schema is here: https://github.com/dialdroid-android/dialdroid-db/blob/master/DIALDroid.sql
- Please modify the cc.properties file inside the build directory to provide database username and password.
- Please note the the cc.properties file, ic3-android.jar and the AndroidCallbacks.txt must be in the same directory as the ic3-dialdroid.jar.
- Use following command to run ic3-dialdroid (build/ic3-dialdroid.jar)
: java [JVM options] -jar [path to IC3 Jar] -input [path to apk] -cp [path to Android platforms] -dbname [database_name]
Use JVM options to allocation more memory: e.g., -Xms4G -Xmx16G, will allocate maximum 16GB memory to JVM.