This is a notebook example of how to use the RandomMatrix code for Multifractality in random networks with power-law decaying bond strengths, which was employed for the analysis in [1]. The code is developed in MATLAB, and some toolboxes are necessary to run the commands.
You run the MATLAB functions in bash/shell prompt as follow:
matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nosplash -r "try; yourMATLABFunction(your parameters); catch; end; quit"
Note: matlab
is the environment variable in your system that calls the MATLAB program. Here, because of the Python interface,
The getEtaUGraph
function shows the relative fluctations of the participation numbers (
[PointsVar] = getEtaUGraph(Q,B,U,Ns,a)
# Q: is for a specific q value
# B: the specific band
# U: the set of evaluation points for the participation numbers (x-axis)
# Ns: this is the vector of expoente network size, in the form 2^Ns[i]
# A: this is the sparcity parameter of the Power-Law Banded Random Matrix (PBRM) model.
matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nosplash -r "try; RandomMatrix.getEtaUGraph([2],[1],[0.6, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1],[6,7,8,9],1.0); catch; end; quit"
It presents the curves of
The next function calculates the fractal dimensions of our studied model (dPBRM) and prints the figure, i.e, the signature of the multifractality of eigenfunctions of our network model.
[Data, eData] = getDqAlphaGraphMAT(Q,B,u,Ns,A)
# Q: is a vector of all the points (y-axis Figure XX of the paper)
# B: this is a vector for all the band values to be calculated
# u: it is the critical point u_c
# Ns: this is the vector of expoente network size, in the form 2^Ns[i]
# A: this is the sparcity parameter of the Power-Law Banded Random Matrix (PBRM) model.
matlab -nodisplay -nodesktop -nosplash -r "try; RandomMatrix.getDqAlphaGraphMAT([0.5,1,1.5,2,3,4,5],[1],1,[6,7,8,9],[0.3,1.0]); catch; end; quit"
It creates a figure that shows the multifractal dimensions
You can use this code as it is for academic purpose. If you found it useful for your research, we appreciate your reference to our work Multifractality in random networks with power-law decaying bond strengths:
[1] Didier A. Vega-Oliveros, J. A. Méndez-Bermúdez, and Francisco A. Rodrigues. Phys. Rev. E 99, 042303.