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The Formidable protocol is designed for objects that manage forms composed of multiple FormField components. By conforming to this protocol, you can leverage built-in functionality to validate, reset, and check the validity of all form fields at once.


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Formidable is a protocol designed for objects that manage forms composed of multiple FormField components. It provides built-in functionality for validating, resetting, and checking the validity of form fields.



Platform Minimum Swift Version
iOS 17.0+ / macOS 15.0+ / tvOS 17.0+ Swift 5 / Xcode 15.0


Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))

Key Features

  • Validation: The validate() method checks all fields and throws an error if any fail validation.
  • Reset: The reset() method restores all fields to their original values.
  • Validity Check: The isValid computed property determines whether all fields are valid.
  • Error Aggregation: The errors computed property collects validation errors for easy handling.
  • Enable State: The isEnabled property checks whether all fields are enabled.

By adopting Formidable, you can create structured forms with reliable state management and validation.


The FormField class represents a form field, managing its value, validation rules, and change tracking.

Public Properties

  • isHidden: Hides the field from the UI (default: false).
  • isDisabled: Disables editing (default: false).
  • rules: An array of validation rules (FormFieldRule conforming types).
  • transform: An optional closure that modifies the value before retrieval.
  • valueChanged: A closure triggered when the value changes.
  • showErrors: Controls whether validation errors should be displayed.
  • originalValue: Stores the initial value for reset purposes.
  • value: Holds the current field value, applying transformations if set.

Validation Rules

Validation rules define the conditions a field must meet to be valid. Common examples include:

  • GreaterThanRule: Ensures a field's value is greater than a specified number.
  • LessThanRule: Ensures a field's value is less than a specified number.
  • RequiredRule: Ensures a field is not empty.
  • EqualRule: Ensures a field matches a specific value.

For instance, you can require an age field to be greater than 18.

Example Usage

import SwiftUI
import Formidable

enum ValidationError: LocalizedError {
    case isRequired
    case ageTooLow

    var errorDescription: String? {
        switch self {
        case .isRequired: return "This field cannot be left empty."
        case .ageTooLow: return "You need to be of legal age."

final class UserForm: Formidable {
    // MARK: - Public Properties
    var nameField: FormField<String>
    var ageField: FormField<Int>
    // MARK: - Initialization
    init(_ name: String, age: Int) {
        nameField = FormField(name)
        ageField = FormField(age)
        defer {
    // MARK: - Public Methods
    func submit() throws -> (name: String, age: Int) {
        try validate()
        return (name: nameField.value, age: ageField.value)
    // MARK: - Private Methods
    private func setupRules() {
        nameField.rules = [RequiredRule(ValidationError.isRequired)]
        ageField.rules = [GreaterThanRule(18, error: ValidationError.ageTooLow)]

struct UserFormView: View {
    @State private var form = UserForm("", age: 0)
    var body: some View {
        NavigationStack {
            Form {
                Section {
                    TextField("Name", text: $form.nameField.value)
                    Picker("Age", selection: $form.ageField.value) {
                        ForEach([10, 18, 36], id: \.self) { age in
            .toolbar {
                ToolbarItemGroup {
                    Button(action: reset) {
                    Button(action: save) {
            .onAppear {
                UITextField.appearance().clearButtonMode = .whileEditing
    // MARK: - Private Methods
    private func reset() {
    private func save() {
        do {
            let data = try form.submit()
        } catch {

#Preview {


The Formidable protocol is designed for objects that manage forms composed of multiple FormField components. By conforming to this protocol, you can leverage built-in functionality to validate, reset, and check the validity of all form fields at once.








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