Hello World in Isabelle, compiled to Haskell.
definition main :: "unit io" where
"main ≡ do {
_ ← println (STR ''Hello World! What is your name?'');
name ← getLine;
println (STR ''Hello, '' + name + STR ''!'')
compiles to
main :: Prelude.IO ();
main =
"Hello World! What is your name?") >>= (\ _ ->
StdIO.getLine >>= (\ name -> StdIO.println (("Hello, " ++ name) ++ "!")));
$ runhaskell Main.hs
Hello World! What is your name?
Hello, Corny!
- Keep it simple! I want simple, understandable, well-documented examples.
- Don't rewrite simple examples to a super generic, highly abstract meta model. Feel free to push the super generic, highly abstract meta model in a separate file and explain how and why the base model needs to be extended.
- Socket server.
- String handling.
println "foo" >> println "bar"
and a proof that I gotfoo\nbar\n
on my STDOUT [done].now >>= \time -> println $ "the time is now " ++ time
.- Read a number from STDIN, increment the number and output it.