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A Cat Prey Analyzer software, based on tensorflow, and OpenCV


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If you own a cat that has the freedom to go outside, then you probably are familiar with the issue of your feline bringing home prey. Balrog aims to perform Cat Prey Detection with Deep Learning on any cat in any environment. This project was based on the original Cat_Prey_Analyzer repository. This project improves the original software by:

  • Factorized the code and organize it in a python package.
  • Dropped the dependency on the Raspberry PI camera.
  • Interfaced the Surepet cat flap.
  • Added telegram commands to control the Surepet cat flap.
  • Added general configuration in a file.
  • Support for multi-threading analysis of the camera frames.

For detailed information about how the Deep Learning part works, please check the readme on the original repository



As stated by the original repo, this software relies on tensorflow object detection API that need to be downloaded separately. Before doing this, we need to install some packages (in Debian-based systems):

sudo apt install libglu1-mesa-dev libglx-mesa0

Python virtual environment

Please note that Balrog Cat Prey Analyzer depends on python 3.11, and python 3.12 is not supported. To fulfill this, please run (in Debian-based systems):

sudo apt-get install python3.11-full

To install all dependencies, it is recommended to create a python virtual environment (using the python3.11-venv package which should have been installed with the command below):

pwd # This will show the current path; we assume this returned '/path/to'
python3.11 -m venv virt-env

which will create a python virtual environment under the virt-env folder. To activate the virtual environment, simply use the following command:

source /path/to/virt-env/bin/activate
(virt-env) $

This will allow to install python packages without messing with the python installation on your machine.

Protobuf compiler

The Tensorflow Object Detection APU also requires a rather old version of the protobuf compiler to work (v3.19.0). To install this version, please go to the asset page of that release, and download the build for your architecture. For x86_64, you can simply run:


To install it, we can do it in the .local folder by simply unzipping that package in the target directory:

unzip -d ~/.local

After doing this, please check that the protoc compiler is available on your shell by running protoc --version which should return the version of libprotoc that you just installer. If the command returns an error (command not found), please make sure that the folder ~/.local/bin is in your PATH variable, and try again.

Tensorflow Object Detection API

To download the tensorflow Object Detection API, we simply run (adapted from the tensorflow object detection repo):

pwd # We use this to check the full path of the tensorflow models base folder (tensorflow1). We use it in the rest of this readme
git clone --depth 1 tf-models

We now need to use the protobuf compiler to generate the source of the API using the proto files:

cd /path/to/tf-models/research
protoc object_detection/protos/*.proto --python_out=.

to ease the installation, we copy the

cd /path/to/tf-models/research
cp object_detection/packages/tf2/ .

IMPORTANT: We need to adapt the tensorflow dependencies of this library. To do so, change the required version of the tf-models-officials:


to (adding 2.15.0 as the maximum version supported):


Then, we build a python wheel and install the Tensorflow Object Detection API:

$ source /path/to/virt-env/bin/activate
(venv) pip install build
(venv) python -m build --wheel
(venv) pip install dist/*.whl

Install Balrog and its dependencies

Finally, we are ready to install this module and its dependencies. To do so, we simply activate the virtual environment, and run pip to install this package:

$ source /path/to/virt-env/bin/activate
(virt-env) $ pip install .


Environment variables

Balrog uses a few environment variables to configure the interfaces: Camera input, Telegram Bot and Surepet login details. To configure this, you need to execute the following lines in your shell:

export CAMERA_STREAM_URI=<camera_rstp_url>
export SUREPET_USER=<surepet_user>
export SUREPET_PASSWORD=<surepet-password>
export TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=<telegram_bot_token>
export TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=<telegram_chat_id>

You can add these lines at the end of the virt-env/bin/activate file, so these variables are available each time that you activate the python virtual environment.

Creating the telegram bot and getting its token and chat ID is out of the scope of this readme, but you can google for that and check some answers in Stackoverflow.

Debugging - Enabling null Camera and Telegram interfaces

There are two extra environment variables can you can set:


The first variable will start the module with instances of a camera class that feed the same static image (the file in balrog/resources/dbg_casc-jpg) on each frame. The second variable will use a "null" telegram interface, which simply discards all the messages and images that you try to send. These instances might be quite useful when debugging this module.

Configuration file

Before executing, you need to create the configuration file. You can use the config-template.toml file as a base, and create the config.toml file with its content.

It is recommended to not modify the configurations under the model section, since they directly control the sensitivity of the verdicts generated by the tensorflow model.


To execute, simply activate your python virtual environment, export the required variables (if needed) and then simply execute the module:

$ source /path/to/virt-env/bin/activate
(virt-env) $ python3 -m balrog

This repository also contains a start script that you can use in a "production" environment:

$ source /path/to/virt-env/bin/activate
(virt-env) $ ./

This script will start the module, but also restart the module if it fails for some reason. Additionally, you can use the script to start the module in a similar manner, but using the -m option in python to get extra debugging info from the python interpreter.

CUDA Support

Since the principal computation is carried by the OpenCV and TensorFlow libraries, this package also offers support for accelerating the computation using CUDA. To this end, you need to install this package with cuda support:

pip install .[with-cuda]

However, this will only install tensorflow with CUDA support. To extend CUDA support for the OpenCV package, you need to compile the full OpenCV package with CUDA support.

Compiling OpenCV with CUDA Support

First, be sure to install the "develop" package of python and some build tools:

sudo apt-get install cmake ninja-build build-essential python3.11-dev

Optionally, you can also install clang as C compiler alternative, which improves the optimization of the binary and performs slightly faster than GCC:

sudo apt-get install clang-18

Then, we need to install the CUDA toolkit and cuDNN packages from the Nvidia website. Follow the instructions provided in the Nvidia website for the CUDA toolkit and the cuDNN package.

Before compiling, we also need to create a python virtual environment for OpenCV and activate it:

pwd # This will show the current path; we assume this returned '/path/to'
python3.11 -m venv opencv-venv
source /path/to/opencv-venv/bin/activate

The rest of this tutorial assumes that you have already activated the python virtual environment. Once all the dependencies are installed, we proceed to clone the OpenCV python repository:

git clone --recursive

We now proceed to configure the OpenCV package by setting CMake flags. IMPORTANT: Depending on the graphics card you want to use, please configure the -DCUDA_ARCH_BIN argument to match the compute capability of your graphics card. To figure out which is the compute capability of your card, please refer to the official Nvidia website. The command shown below uses clang as the compiler for OpenCV. If you wish to use gcc, simply remove the COMPILER lines in the cmake args:

                   -DWITH_CUDA=ON \
                   -DWITH_CUDNN=ON \
                   -DOPENCV_DNN_CUDA=ON \
                   -DENABLE_FAST_MATH=1 \
                   -DCUDA_FAST_MATH=1 \
                   -DCUDA_ARCH_BIN=7.5 \
                   -DWITH_CUBLAS=1 \
                   -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-18 \

Additionally, we need to set up the OpenCV package to compile the "contrib" libraries, and (for headless environment) create a headless package:


Then, start the compilation of OpenCV by simply creating the python wheel (Depending on your system, this might take quite a while):

pip wheel . --verbose

Once compiled, you need to replace the installed OpenCV with the package just compiled in the runtime virtual environment:

deactivate # Deactivate the OpenCV virtual env
source /path/to/virt-env/bin/activate # Activate the balrog runtime virtual env
pip uninstall opencv-contrib-python-headless
pip install opencv_contrib_python_headless-


A Cat Prey Analyzer software, based on tensorflow, and OpenCV







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