Releases: digitalfabrik/integreat-cms
integreat-cms 2025.2.1
- [ #2955 ] Add contact management
- [ #3070 ] Add a new event type 'long-term' for events longer than 28 days
- [ #3072 ] Fix styling of page preview
- [ #3397 ] Add icon for empty columns
Compare changes: 2025.2.0 → 2025.2.1
@PeterNerlich @charludo @JoeyStk @MizukiTemma @svenseeberg @ulliholtgrave @lunars97
integreat-cms 2025.2.0
- [ #4 ] Add row for translation coverage to dashboard
- [ #3212 ] Fix selection of event location for event filter
Compare changes: 2025.1.0 → 2025.2.0
@jarlhengstmengel @charludo @JoeyStk @MizukiTemma @theresantonie @PeterNerlich @david-venhoff @lunars97
integreat-cms 2025.1.0
- [ #100 ] Add option to import events from external calendars via iCal
- [ #2930 ] Add cancel button to creation and edit forms
- [ #3037 ] Fix input field arrow key navigation and make the search query function accessible
- [ #3078 ] Show sensible error message when adding inactive users to pages
- [ #3223 ] Fix the bug of event creation with no physical location
- [ #3263 ] Remove 'x Locations/Events selected' text for the observer role
- [ #3266 ] Fix missing legends in exported png files in statistics
- [ #3279 ] Export only statistics for selected languages
- [ #3290 ] Fix text direction in event/location/imprint form
- [ #3309 ] Fix MT budget calculation for add-on package with mid-year start
Compare changes: 2024.12.1 → 2025.1.0
@david-venhoff @MizukiTemma @lunars97 @JoeyStk @PeterNerlich @charludo @KateGithub12 @svenseeberg @jonbulz
integreat-cms 2024.12.1
- [ #3181 ] Correct translation for archive contact
- [ #3187 ] Change edit icon
- [ #3237 ] Add alt attribute for fax icon
Compare changes: 2024.12.0 → 2024.12.1
integreat-cms 2024.12.0
- [ #1274 ] Update the tinymce editor from version 5 to 7
- [ #2588 ] Improve link checker GUI
- [ #2858 ] Add additional language colors
- [ #2950 ] Add bulk actions for organizations.
- [ #3014 ] Remove checkbox appearence for roles who do not have edit permission in events and locations
- [ #3118 ] Fix error at bulk action in the broken link list
- [ #3131 ] Make access number box of statistics collapsible
- [ #3190 ] Fix display of start and end of archived events
- [ #3192 ] Replace unique Zammad URL constraint with Zammad webhook token
- [ #3213 ] Fix false positive error in statistics in dashboard
- [ #3215 ] Fix spacing error in list of archived events
- [ #3225 ] Add icon for fax numbers
Compare changes: 2024.11.1 → 2024.12.0
@david-venhoff @svenseeberg @lunars97 @MizukiTemma @jarlhengstmengel @ulliholtgrave @JoeyStk @charludo
integreat-cms 2024.11.1
- [ #3133 ] Move the legend for statistics to its own box
- [ #3150 ] Fix spacing in poi box
- [ #3183 ] Fix error at bulk action link ignore and unignore
- [ #3185 ] Extend select all checkboxes to translation of events and pois
Compare changes: 2024.11.0 → 2024.11.1
@charludo @PeterNerlich @JoeyStk @MizukiTemma @david-venhoff
integreat-cms 2024.11.0
- [ #1443 ] Add centralized link list in the network management
- [ #2076 ] A background job has been introduced that deletes unactivated accounts after 7 days.
- [ #2369 ] Add website URLs of organizations to the link checker
- [ #2389 ] Do not show translation status of the root language
- [ #2625 ] Invalidate imprint cache after deleting or adding language tree node
- [ #2854 ] Prevent phone numbers from being rearranged in RTL languages
- [ #2949 ] Add option to archive organizations
- [ #2956 ] Fix inconsistent language tab styling after resizing browser
- [ #3015 ] Extend POI creation in event form
- [ #3058 ] Fix the bug invalid links are not replaced
- [ #3098 ] Fix bug when saving a Region without a Zammad URL
Compare changes: 2024.8.2 → 2024.11.0
@lunars97 @JoeyStk @MizukiTemma @charludo @deen13 @david-venhoff @jarlhengstmengel @svenseeberg @theresantonie @ulliholtgrave @timobrembeck @PeterNerlich @devhadvani
integreat-cms 2024.8.2
- [ #2007 ] Bulk action for canceling translation process
- [ #2797 ] Fix automatic url update after changing a title of the page on side by side view
- [ #2801 ] Hide links to images with empty alt attributes
- [ #2807 ] Fix a bug where machine-translated pages where considered out-of-date
- [ #2874 ] Retry mechanism for push notifications that were intended to be sent immediately but failed due to an error
- [ #2969 ] The translation report shows all language labels on the y-axis
- [ #2982 ] Include links in imprints for link replacement
- [ #2989 ] Fix bug where adding an event on the last weekday of every month only adds it in months with 5 weeks
- [ #2998 ] Ignore soft hyphens when detecting links
- [ #3001 ] Fix link auto update checkbox always checked
- [ #3005 ] Add go back link for POIS and events
Compare changes: 2024.8.1 → 2024.8.2
@theresantonie @JoeyStk @lunars97 @svenseeberg @david-venhoff @MizukiTemma @deen13 @charludo @PeterNerlich @jarlhengstmengel
integreat-cms 2024.8.1
- [ #2903 ] Make calculation of pages (not) ready for machine translation consistent
- [ #2917 ] Fix hix for pages without text
- [ #2918 ] Fix look of language tabs for long languages
- [ #2973 ] Fix error of POI creation in event form
Compare changes: 2024.8.0 → 2024.8.1
@JoeyStk @deen13 @timobrembeck @PeterNerlich @MizukiTemma @david-venhoff
integreat-cms 2024.8.0
- [ #1878 ] Auto update link texts to integreat content
- [ #2928 ] Show only organizations of the region in POI form
- [ #2929 ] Show associated locations in the organization form
- [ #2962 ] Fix error at old version restoration
Compare changes: 2024.7.3 → 2024.8.0