digest auth request plugin for fetch/node-fetch also supports http basic authentication
// dependencies for node
npm install node-fetch
// for browers, if to use it directly, please indcude file `digest-fetch.js` in a <script/>
<script type="application/javascript" src="path-to-digest-fetch.js'></script>
// Use require
const DigestFetch = require('digest-fetch')
// Use import
import * as DigestFetch from "digest-fetch"
// In browser
const DigestFetch = window.DigestFetch;
Create a client using basic authentication challenge
const client = new DigestFetch('user', 'password', { basic: true })
client.fetch(url, options).then(res => res.json).then(console.dir)
Create a digest authentication request client with default options
const client = new DigestFetch('user', 'password')
Specify options for digest authentication
const client = new DigestFetch('user', 'password', { algorithm: 'MD5' })
Options fields:
field | type | default | description |
algorithm | string | 'MD5' | algorithm to be used: 'MD5' or 'MD5-sess' |
statusCode | number | 401 | custom authentication failure code for avoiding browser prompt, see details below |
cnonceSize | number | 32 | length of the cnonce |
logger | object | none | logger for debug, can use console , default no logging |
basic | bool | false | switch to use basic authentication |
precomputeHash | bool | false | wether to attach hash of credentials to the client instance instead of raw credential |
- When using digest authentication in browsers, may encounter prompt window in foreground. Check: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9859627/how-to-prevent-browser-to-invoke-basic-auth-popup-and-handle-401-error-using-jqu
Do request same way as fetch or node-fetch
const url = ''
const options = {}
client.fetch(url, options)
Pass in refresh request options factory function for conditions options needs be refreshed when trying again. For example when posting with file stream:
const factory = () => ({ method: 'post', body: fs.createReadStream('path-to-file') })
client.fetch(url, {factory})
Digest authentication: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digest_access_authentication This plugin is implemented following RFC2069 and RFC2617, supports http basic authentication as well!
Please open issues if you find bugs or meet problems during using this plugin.