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Semantic GraphQL with JSON-LD

This project explores the potential benefits of combining GraphQL with JSON-LD to allow users to query linked data using the GraphQL syntax, while leveraging JSON-LD contexts to define how the data should be semantically interpreted.

Linked data is a method of structuring data on the web to enhance its usability and accessibility. Through the use of HTTP URIs and RDF, it allows data to be connected, described, and queried semantically, making it more useful across different applications and systems.

JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) is a lightweight format for encoding linked data using JSON. It uses a concept called a "context" to define how the data maps to an RDF model. For example, a Person with a name property:

  "@context": {
    "Person": ""
    "name": "",
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "Person",
  "name": "John Smith",

GraphQL is a query language for APIs, designed to provide a more efficient and flexible alternative to REST. It allows clients to request exactly the data they need and nothing more. For example:


query {
  person {


  "data": {
    "person": {
      "name": "John Smith"

Constructing the Context

By default, a field's response key in the GraphQL response will use that field's name. However, the GraphQL spec allows consumers to define a different response key by specifying an alias:


query {
  person {
    navn: name
    nombre: name


  "data": {
    "person": {
      "navn": "John Smith"
      "nombre": "John Smith"

Because aliases are provided by the user at query-time, we cannot simply define a static context for the whole GraphQL schema which will work for every query. Instead, to support the dynamic nature of GraphQL, the JSON-LD context is constructed dynamically based on the user's query. This is done using JSON-LD's scoped contexts to allow separate context definitions for each GraphQL type. As an example, imagine two GraphQL types:

type Person {
  name: String

type Organisation {
  preferredLabel: String

with the following query and response.


query {
  person {
  organisation {
    name: preferredLabel


  "data": {
    "person": {
      "name": "John Smith"
    "organisation": {
      "name": "Magenta Aps"

Even though the user chose conflicting aliases for the and Organisation.preferredLabel fields, scoped contexts allows us to construct a valid JSON-LD context for the response:

  "@context": {
    "data": {
      "@id": "",
      "@context": {
        "person": {
          "@id": "",
          "@context": {
            "name": {
              "@id": ""
        "organisation": {
          "@id": "",
          "@context": {
            "name": {
              "@id": ""

Because we are using scoped contexts, we need to explicitly define each layer in the response, including the top-level "data" field mandated by the GraphQL spec. In this project, we have chosen to do so under the namespace using a randomly-generated UUID for each response. Future work could include finding a better-fitting semantic definition for this field.

Interpreting JSON as JSON-LD

How can the JSON-LD context be returned as part of a GraphQL response? The GraphQL spec does not allow top-level entries other than data, errors, and extensions in the response, so we cannot simply add a JSON-LD @context to the response directly.

Luckily, the JSON-LD spec defines a method to interpret normal JSON documents (which a GraphQL response is) as JSON-LD through HTTP Link Headers. This enables us to return normal, GraphQL-compliant JSON to GraphQL consumers, while allowing JSON-LD-aware processors to interpret the response semantically through a JSON-LD context document served separately from the GraphQL API.

This is implemented statelessly by encoding the JSON-LD context for a given GraphQL query as part of the URL in the HTTP Link header of the response. Furthermore, the JSON-LD context is returned as a GraphQL extensions field. This is solely for human consumption and is ignored by GraphQL and JSON-LD processors.

POST /graphql HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

{"query": "query { person { name } }"}


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Link: <>;rel="";type="application/ld+json"

  "data": {
    "person": {
      "name": "John Smith"
  "extensions": {
    "@context": ...

A Semantic GraphQL Schema

GraphQL directives allows annotating the GraphQL schema with additional metadata. For example, the built-in @deprecated directive is part of the GraphQL spec:

type ExampleType {
  newField: String
  oldField: String @deprecated(reason: "Use `newField`.")

GraphQL servers may add custom directives to their schema. We expose the semantic definition of each type and field directly on the GraphQL schema through the use of a custom @jsonld directive:

directive @jsonld(
  id: String!
  type: String
  container: String

The directive parameters id, type, and container correspond to the keys of JSON-LD's expanded term definition (or the subset that was needed for this project, at least). Each GraphQL type and field in the schema is semantically tagged:

type Person @jsonld(id: "", type: "@id") {
  name: String @jsonld(id: "")

This is what powers the construction of JSON-LD contexts at query-time, but directives are also available to GraphQL clients through introspection, which is a way to query the schema itself using a GraphQL query. In addition, the complete GraphQL schema, including all directives, is available in GraphQL Schema Definition Language (SDL) at /graphql/schema.graphql.

Fallback Types

Types and fields missing the @jsonld directive default to a set of simple types. This is particularly useful for simple scalars such as strings or booleans.

Python Type Fallback
strawberry.ID @id

Non-scalars, such as a list, fall back to an opaque JSON literal ( This allows the field -- and any of its children which might have proper @jsonld directives -- to still be included in the JSON-LD context.

A Semantic GraphQL Client

Although it is out of scope of this project to implement a JSON-LD-aware GraphQL client which utilises the @jsonld directive through introspection, we have taken the time to add some JSON-LD affordances to GraphQL's default web-based IDE GraphiQL in the form of a button of a slide:

GraphiQL playground button

Clicking the button will load the current response into the JSON-LD playground, where it can be inspected:

JSON-LD playground

NOTE: Awaiting merge of json-ld/!851, the button currently redirects to a locally-hosted version of the JSON-LD playground with necessary fixes in place.

_id and _type

Although it offers no interoperability with JSON-LD directly, the identifier and type of most objects is additionally exposed through their _id and _type fields. The behaviour of the _id field is controlled through the @entityTemplate schema directive, which can be examined by clients through introspection. The directive defines the namespace and reference (field) used to construct the _id field on objects. For example, the following definition will produce _ids of the format<localIdentifier>, where <localIdentifier> is each object's localIdentifier field (most often a UUID):

directive @entityTemplate(namespace: String!, reference: String!) on SCHEMA

    namespace: ""
    reference: "localIdentifier"
  ) {
  query: Query
  mutation: Mutation

type FormalOrganisation {
  _id: ID!
  _type: String!
  localIdentifier: ID!

Note: @jsonld directives omitted for brevity.

Getting Started

docker compose up -d --build

Afterwards, the GraphiQL web IDE will be available at http://localhost:8000/graphql. Use it to load data into the database:

mutation {

The code is intentionally well-commented to ease hacking, and the local development environment automatically reloads the server on code changes. Use docker compose logs -f to see logs.


Parameters without a default value are required when deploying outside the development (compose) environment.

Available options:


See digstsqgl/ for detailed information.




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