The basic idea is to simplify Lagrangian relaxation implementation by requiring only a Lagrangian subproblem solver and functions to generate the subgradients.
Let's use the degree constrained minimum spanning tree problem as an example to illustrate how to use the framework.
The degree constrained minimum spanning tree problem (DCMSTP) asks for the minimum spanning tree of a graph
The following is a class for representing and generating random euclidean DCMSTPs:
class DCMST():
def __init__(self,
n, # number of vertices
a, b, # vertex degrees will be in the interval [a,b]
density, # graph density
l, # vertex coordinatex will be in the interaval [0,l)
random=np.random.default_rng(0), # random number generator
self.n = n
# generating edges
edges = [(u, v) for u in range(n) for v in range(n) if random.random() < density]
self.adj = np.zeros((n,n))
for u, v in edges:
self.adj[u,v] = self.adj[v,u] = 1
# generating edge weights
self.coords = random.random((n,2))*l
self.weight = np.zeros((n, n))
euc = lambda u, v: np.linalg.norm(self.coords[u]-self.coords[v])
for u in range(n):
for v in range(n):
self.weight[u, v] = self.adj[u, v]*euc(u, v)
# generating degrees
self.max_degree = random.integers(low=a, high=b+1, size=n)
The lagrangian relaxation of the degree constraints yields the following lagrangian relaxation problem (LRP):
The LRP consists in finding a minimum spanning tree of pylar
to solve LRPs.
def LRP(instance, multipliers):
b = multipliers['degree_constraints']
mod_weight = lambda u, v: instance.weight[u, v] + b[u] + b[v]
edges, obj = Prim(instance, mod_weight)
obj -= np.matmul(b, instance.max_degree)
return edges, obj
requires a function for solving LRPs, it will pass the problem instance and a dictionary of multipliers as arguments to it. The key of the dictionary is the name you specify for the relaxed constraint, and the value is a numpy
array corresponding to the multipliers of that constraint. Your function should return the LRP solution (in any format, as pylar
doesn't make direct use of it) followed by its (modified) objective value.
We also need to pass a function for each relaxed constraint that, given a current LRP solution, returns the subgradient corresponding to that constraint. In the DCMSTP case, the subgradient corresponding to the current LRP solution and the degree constraints is pylar
to obtain subgradients. pylar
will pass the problem instance and the current LRP solution as arguments to our function. The function returns a numpy
def get_subgradient(instance, sol):
subg = np.zeros(instance.n)
for u, v in sol:
subg[u] += 1
subg[v] += 1
subg -= instance.max_degree
return subg
The following is a python implemenation of Prim's algorithm, used by the LRP function above:
def Prim(inst, # DCMSTP instance
weight # edge weight function
n = inst.n
added = np.zeros(n) # whether the vertex was added or not to the ST
w = np.full(n, np.Inf) # minimum weight to reach each vertex
p = np.zeros(n, dtype=int) # parents
w[0], totalW, T = 0, 0, []
for i in range(n):
v = min(filter(lambda x: not added[x], range(n)), key = lambda x: w[x])
added[v] = 1
totalW += w[v]
if v != 0: T.append((v, p[v]))
for u in range(n):
if inst.adj[u, v] and not added[u] and weight(v, u) < w[u]:
w[u] = weight(v, u)
p[u] = v
return T, totalW # edges in the tree and total weight
Once we have the functions to solve Lagrangian subproblems and obtain subgradients, we are ready to call pylar
to solve the Lagrangian dual
import pylar.LR as LR
ldp_sol, ldp_obj, ldp_mults = LR.subgradient(instance=inst,
dualized_constraints={'degree_constraints':{'shape':(inst.n,), 'subgradient':get_subgradient, 'sense':'L'}},
The problem instance inst
could have been generated as follows:
rng = np.random.default_rng(0)
inst = DCMST(n=100, a=1, b=3, density=1, l=1000, random=rng)
The code above invokes pylar
to solve the lagrangian dual by the subgradient method, using a step size of 0.1 and 10000 iterations. The dualized constraints are passed as a dict argument. The keys of this dict are the names of your choice for the constraints. The value is another dict, containinig the shape of the subgradient, the function that returns its subgradient, and its sense ('G', 'L', or 'E').
To use a step size s
in the direction of the normalized subgradient, the following could be passed as the stepsize
or simply stepsize=LR.step.contant_steplength(s)
If an upper bound was known, we could use a Polyak step length:
If we wanted to update the stepsize by a factor of s=1
, followed by a Polyak step length, we could do the following:
stepsize=LR.step.pipe([LR.step.decreasing_tolerance(s=1, alpha=0.1, tol=100),
The subgradient function returns the solution attaining the best dual objective, its objective, and a dict of the corresponding lagrangian multipliers, indexed by the chosen names of their constraints.