: A command-line utility to search for jobs based on keywords and location written in Node.js.
This utility helps to search for jobs posted on GitHub's website:
It can be passed two command-line arguments:
- keywords: list of comma-separated keywords: title, benefits, companies, expertise
- location: filter by city, state, zip code or country
Once the jobs are searched by sj
, the details about the jobs will be saved in a file called "jobsDetails.csv" in the directory where sj
is called from.
- Install Node.js and npm
- Run
npm install -g searchJobs
sj [options]
An application to search for jobs based on keywords and location
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-k, --keywords <keywords> list all comma-separated keywords: title, benefits, companies, expertise
-l, --location [location] filter by city, state, zip code or country
# Example usage:
$ sj -k java -l chicago #Search jobs for java and in Chicago
$ sj -k "software engineer" -l #Seach jobs for software engineer and any location
$ sj -k "software engineer,senior" -l seattle #Seach jobs for software engineer, for senior position and in Seattle
$ sj -k -l #Seach jobs with no passed-in keywords or location, default search
$ sj -k ruby,manager,javascript -l atlanta #Search jobs with ruby, manager and javascript as keywords and Atlanta as location
Deep Aggarwal
Date Started: 11/10/2016