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Solidus-based commerce application.

Note: forcing the kitchen open or closed

Set the environment variable KITCHEN_STATUS to either open or closed to force that behavior, regardless of the automatic timer. The kitchen will stay in the overridden state until the KITCHEN_STATUS variable is unset.

Heroku Dashboard:

  • Visit the app's settings page (e.g. for staging
  • Click "Reveal Config Vars". Use caution when editing these important variables.
  • Force open: set or create a KITCHEN_STATUS variable to open
  • Force closed: set or create a KITCHEN_STATUS variable to closed
  • Reset to automatic timer: delete the KITCHEN_STATUS variable

Command line:

  • Force open: heroku config:set KITCHEN_STATUS=open -a din-marketplace
  • Force closed: heroku config:set KITCHEN_STATUS=closed -a din-marketplace
  • Reset to automatic timer heroku config:unset KITCHEN_STATUS -a din-marketplace

Development server:

Your choice: heroku local --port 3000 --procfile to see the website at http://localhost:3000 (which also launches mailcatcher on http://localhost:3100) or if you can't be bothered, rails server will run just the website.

N.B.: There is a canonical redirect to in development mode. You may add an entry to your /etc/hosts file for if you need to access the development site without internet access.

Seeing email in development:

gem install mailcatcher -- --with-cppflags=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include (flags necessary on OS X El Capitan) and then run mailcatcher from the command line.

Syncing production data to staging (notes for posterity)

  • Back up staging: heroku pg:backups capture -r staging
  • Copy production to staging: heroku pg:copy din-marketplace::HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_CYAN_URL HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_NAVY_URL -r staging
  • Sync missing image attachments: aws s3 sync --acl public-read --storage-class REDUCED_REDUNDANCY s3://din-shop-img/spree/ s3://din-shop-img/staging/spree/

How to Override Templates (FAQ)

  • Where are the templates to copy?

    $ bundle show solidus_frontend
  • Where do I copy them to?

    Into your local copy, under app/views/... in the same place as they are in the solidus_frontend gem, e.g.:

    $ mkdir -p app/views/spree/home
    $ cp $(bundle show solidus_frontend)/app/views/spree/home/index.html.erb app/views/spree/home

Dev Env Setup

  1. Create and seed the database

    $ git pull
    $ bundle
    $ INCLUDE_SAMPLES=true bin/rake db:create db:schema:load db:seed

    Omit sample restaurants, chefs, and meals by removing INCLUDE_SAMPLES=true.

    Reset your DB to the starting state with bin/rake db:reset.

    Note: This does not create the two StoreCreditTypes or default ReimbursementType from migrations: 20150506181611_create_spree_store_credit_payment_method.rb and the next two in sequence. That's OK.

  2. Create sample products:

    Product Name and price are required. Description is optional.

    You must have restaurant and chef taxons for this to work. If you used INCLUDE_SAMPLES=true above, then you will have sample restaurant and chef taxons.

    $ bin/rails r 'ProductFactory.create!("Your Product Name", 30, desc: "Description.", allergens: ["peanuts"])'
  3. Start server (also starts mailcatcher).

    $ heroku local --port 3000 --procfile
  4. Login to the Admin using (only created in development)

  5. Add new dishes!

Rebuild images

bundle exec rake paperclip:refresh:thumbnails CLASS=Spree::Image
bundle exec rake paperclip:refresh:thumbnails CLASS=Spree::Taxon

Editorial Guidelines

View the Admin Editorial Guide to learn to:

  • Add new dishes
  • Edit taxons
  • etc

Dev Template Editing

Templates for editing can be found by viewing these bundles:

bundle show solidus_core
bundle show solidus
bundle show solidus_frontend

SSL Setup

Most infrastructure setup steps are described here:

Key, CSR, and cert are stored in a 1Password vault.