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Releases: dinaraparanid/PrimaMobile

Release V

21 Aug 16:50
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New: Text color
Fixed: Equalizer's crash fixed after long app's pause

Release V

17 Jul 12:55
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Hide system was improved: now you can hide both playlists and artists (with all their tracks)


  1. Playlist's cover searching in statistics was fixed and improved
  2. Tracks with 0 amount of play were shown if user didn't listen to any music

Release V

05 Jun 14:32
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Playback time auto save

Minor playback time saving and playback time counting for statistics fixes

Release V

21 May 11:18
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  1. Android S compatibility
  2. 3 new Classic fonts from Word


  1. Custom playlist null track entity fixed
  2. Unknown artist's "" name was replaces with "Unknown artist"
  3. Media Scanner fixed
  4. Recorders creates new files if files have same names (not overriding existing ones)
  5. Microphone recorders inserting to MediaStore fixed
  6. Playback recorder unsupported message
  7. Path to save changing fixed
  8. Labels in settings without translation fixed
  9. Equalizer not starts fixed
  10. Equalizer crashes fixed (unknown native error)
  11. Major translations fixes and improvements
  12. GTM guessing % was fixed

Release V

16 May 13:07
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  1. GTM searching fixed
  2. Activities without history fixed

Release V

15 May 16:26
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  1. Guess The Melody results dialog
  2. Tracks' covers database restored (for files that don't support cover changing)

UI Upgrade:
Like playlist button bigger end margin


  1. Media Scanner not launching fix
  2. Show visualizer button fix
  3. Albums distinct by title fix
  4. Like button on notification fixed
  5. Statistics artist image searching improved
  6. GTM error messages fixed
  7. UI clearning fixed and improved
  8. GTM searching fixed
  9. Activities without history fixed

Release V

17 Apr 16:57
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  1. Hidden tracks
  2. VK Button in About App
  3. Image set on track click in Track Change Fragment
  4. Big performance upgrade

UI Upgrade:

  1. Audio Trimmer scisors size fix
  2. Playing panel height in dp
  3. Rename "3D" to "Reverb"
  4. Equalizer land UI upgrade
  5. Playing menu new UI for tablets
  6. Several UI improvements / fixes for tablets
  7. Settings button subtitles
  8. Rising fragments (caused by playing panel) fix
  9. All images are filling whole area now
  10. Pause animation on playing next track / changing playing time removed
  11. Genius Errors dialogs


  1. Track change media store content on Q+ fix
  2. Same album title and path are fixed (it was set as unknown before)
  3. Equalizer's bass booster is cross platform now
  4. Album search fix
  5. Album loading Anroid R fix
  6. Lyrics search fix
  7. Main label fixed for some fragments
  8. Track Change fix for R+
  9. Nested Scroll Views fix
  10. Loading tracks concurrent change fix
  11. Contacts fragments fixed
  12. Permissions fixed
  13. Tags getting / setting on SDK before Oreo fixed
  14. Statistics update for artist, album, playlist fix
  15. Image not return to playlist if it's name was changed fixed
  16. Option menu was invisible for custom playlist track list fragment fix

Release V

06 Apr 18:05
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  1. Audio Trimmer converts to .mp3

UI Impovements:

  1. Muted background cover in album / custom playlist track list fragments removed if custom theme is used


  1. Track highlighting fix
  2. Permissions are fixed and upgraded
  3. Track Change Fragment Image on loading sometimes was random fixed
  4. Pause time incorrect save fix
  5. Select fragments fix

Release V

20 Mar 21:58
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  1. Track changing error messages
  2. Twitter and Telegram Buttons in FAQ
  3. Activity can be shown on notification click
  4. Media Scanner is now a service
  5. MP3 Converter completion notification
  6. Number in album tag + sort by № in album
  7. Better algorithm for searching of artist's image
  8. FAQ was improved


  1. Current playlist dragging fixed
  2. Current playlist listening length
  3. Current playlist tracks' highlighting fix
  4. Track searching fragment fix loading and updating
  5. Services death fix
  6. Memory leaks
  7. Statistics update time fix
  8. Repeat button in notification when activity was destroyed now functioning
  9. Shuffle button fixes
  10. Track's cover change was fixed and optimized
  11. Downloading path saving fix
  12. Options menu fixed (fragments with VIew Pager)
  13. Audio Trimmer OOM fixed
  14. Custom notification's button fixed (twice click error)
  15. Singletons are now safe to use
  16. Recycled covers fixed
  17. Always rounded covers fix
  18. Track delete fix for databases
  19. Adding custom playlist fixed
  20. Statistics images fixed
  21. Current playlist track move not saving fix
  22. Album title not trimmed fix
  23. Headphones starting playing next track on disabling in track's end fix
  24. Track select fragment wasn't showing added to playlist tracks
  25. Recorder time after pause and resume fix
  26. Divider color on theme change fix
  27. Pause time wasn't saving if loosing audio focus fix

#UI Updates:

  1. Clear button for MP3 Converter
  2. Background covers for playlists' track list fragments
  3. UI for an audio trimmer was improved
  4. List items UI improvements
  5. Several UI improvements

Beta V

08 Jan 23:10
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Beta V Pre-release

UI Improvements

  1. New notification's background + new app's background
  2. Main label marquee effect


  1. Statistics update fix for played tracks (and their artists and playlists)
  2. Removes track when it's deleted from storage
  3. Removes custom playlist when it's deleted
  4. Activities closes fix
  5. Track change info fragment on image click fix + now playback stops only on current track
  6. MediaPlayer isPlaying illegal states fixed (track change fragment)
  7. Playlist select (when we want to add track to playlist) infinite await dialog fix