A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications. (crtl + shift + v)
Nest framework TypeScript starter repository.
$ node 18.19.1
$ redis 5.0.14
$ npm install
$ redis-server
# development
$ npm run start
# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev
# production mode
$ npm run start:prod
# unit tests
$ npm run test
# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov
# master is default
$ git checkout master
# dev1 for user, auth, role, permission
$ git checkout dev1
# dev2 for product, sku, inventory, price,
$ git checkout dev2
# dev3 for shop, collection, brand, category, need
$ git checkout dev3
# dev3 for cart, purchase, discount
$ git checkout dev4
# guide to write a apache-benchmark-testing command
$ ab: run Apache benchmark
$ -n: number of requests
$ -c: number of concurrency (lượng users đồng thời gửi requests)
$ -H: custom-header
$ -T: content-type
$ -p: include-body
# example on CMD
>> ab -n 100 -c 100 `
>> -H "Authorization: Bearer X.ACCESS.TOKEN.DEMO.X" `
>> -T "application/json" `
>> -p ./test/apache/checkout.body.json `
>> http://localhost:8044/api/v1/client/orders/make-payment
Check out a few resources that may come in handy when working with NestJS:
- Visit the NestJS Documentation to learn more about the framework.
- For questions and support, please visit our Discord channel.
- To dive deeper and get more hands-on experience, check out our official video courses.
- Visualize your application graph and interact with the NestJS application in real-time using NestJS Devtools.
- Need help with your project (part-time to full-time)? Check out our official enterprise support.
- To stay in the loop and get updates, follow us on X and LinkedIn.
- Looking for a job, or have a job to offer? Check out our official Jobs board.
Nest is an MIT-licensed open source project. It can grow thanks to the sponsors and support by the amazing backers. If you'd like to join them, please read more here.
- Author - Kamil Myśliwiec
- Website - https://nestjs.com
- Twitter - @nestframework
Nest is MIT licensed.