Demo Link: FaceMask-Detection
- Operating System: Windows, MacOS, or Linux
- Python 3.10
- Git
- Disk Space: At least 3GB of available disk space
Check Python Installation:
- Open Command Prompt (cmd).
- Check if Python is installed by running:
python --version
- If Python is not installed, download and install from Make sure to choose a version compatible with your operating system.
Check Git Installation:
- Check if Git is installed by running:
git --version
- If Git is not installed, download and install from
- Check if Git is installed by running:
- Change the current directory to your project folder using the cd command.
- Create a new folder named "facemaskdetection-project" using the following command:
mkdir facemaskdetection-project
- Navigate to the "facemaskdetection-project" folder:
cd facemaskdetection-project
- Create a new Python virtual environment named "facemaskEnv" using the following command:
python -m venv facemaskEnv
py -m venv facemaskEnv
- Activate the virtual environment:
- On Windows:
- On MacOS/Linux:
source facemaskEnv/bin/activate
- On Windows:
- Activate the virtual environment:
Now you have set up the project folder named "facemaskdetection-project" with a Python virtual environment named "facemaskEnv". Next, proceed with the remaining installation steps within this project folder.
- Clone the project repository containing notebook files, models, and Streamlit script from GitHub with the following command:
git clone
- Navigate to the cloned repository folder:
cd facemask-detection
- Install the project's required dependencies using pip and the provided requirements.txt file:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To launch the Streamlit application, execute the following command in the project directory:
streamlit run
After the command to run the Streamlit script, a new line is added informing the user that they will be directed to open the app in their web browser at localhost:8501.