This project is used as a template for an application with the following features:
- Pre-commit hooks for using the linting automatically
FastAPI as the Webserver
PostgresQL + sqlalchemy on the Backend
Containerization with Docker and Uvicorn for serving
Ruff for style checks
Github Actions as CI/CD for automatic code checking, using Ruff and ESLint
mypy for static type checking
- Usage of React and Next.js
- Custom CSS, no libraries
- Usage of ESLint for linting
- Containerization with Docker and Docker compose
- Alembi for Database migrations
First, we will need to install the dependencies and pre-commit hooks. For convenience, I added the setup file for Mac OS. If you don't use homebrew, you need to install it from
brew bundle
After that, you need to install the pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install
This means every time you're committing, the linters are activated to lint and format your code.
There's a Github action for making sure the code is compliant even if lint were bypassed locally.
To run the whole application, run with docker compose.
docker compose up