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Android Microservices

Android app consuming a Microservices with OAuth2.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.



  1. Download the project by clicking the "Clone or download" button.
  2. Unzip the project into the directory of your choice.
  3. Using Android Studio (or another IDE), open the project you saved in the directory of your choice.
  4. Click the Run (Shift + F10) button to run the project.


Another project, spring-cloud-microservices, will be the server that publish the services consumed in this project.


You can download the APK file on Releases Page, install on Android and test the project.


This are some of the App's screens:

Visitor Home

Visitor Home

Create Account

Create Account

Sign In

Sign In

User Home

User Home

Product Main

Product Main

New Product

New Product

List Product

List Product

Edit Product

Edit Product

Built With


We use Git for versioning.


Diogo - Initial work - diogoaltoe


This project is licensed under the MIT License.