[Phase 3's New Run, no need to use builds]
- Navigate to the Main class and run its main method
- The program should open right after
[If on Terminal/CMD]
- Navigate to the 'GUI' package
- Compile first, and then type 'java Main.java'
- The program should open right after
[Current Maven Build]
(If you have Apache Maven installed in your PC/VM)
- Navigate to 'Project-2-2\Explorer', where the 'pom.xml' file is located
- Type 'mvn install' as a command
- Ready to run (use the javafx:run functionality)
NOTE: Might be useful to 'mvn clean install' in between runs.
[Current Maven Build]
- Trust project and load Maven modules
- Select the Maven actions section -> top right
(if it isn't showing, close and reopen your IntelliJ IDE)
- Under Explorer\Lifecycle, click on '(mvn) install'
- Ready to run
- To run: Under Explorer\Plugins\javafx, click on 'javafx:run'
NOTE 1: The program will take a few seconds to be built and should be ready afterwards.
NOTE 2: Might be useful to 'mvn clean install' in between runs.